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Was anyone else a tad disappointed with the amount of 'academy' in jedi academy?

Remirol Nacnud

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Originally posted by -=FB=-Jagged

Mike, you realize that they would have to design a new engine for this JA-RPG you want, right? The QIII engine wasn't meant to do that. It's an FPS. (I know you've probably heard this all before, but it can't hurt one more time). :)

Actually, I like JKII & JA *BECAUSE* they are FPS. However, JA is being sold with a RPG-lite element ... my thoughts were just about doing that more fully within the Q3 experience. I will have KOTOR in ~6 weeks ... I don't need another SW-RPG. I would just have liked them to have finished the part about letting me build *my* Jedi. In JKII I was Kyle, I could accept *his* progression. Not so ... Jaden should be *me*, whether I choose to drain the life out of cowering Jawas or use mind trick to avoid killing rooms of Stormtroopers ...



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yeah you got the LITE part right. but this is the first time that something of this magnitude has been attempted after a game like JO... a tough act to follow. so we have to wait and see, hope the developers are reading these as fast as we turn em out! :D


another thing that might have been cool: what if there had been a level where you travel to some spot (after the mission with kyle where you lose your saber and you have to rebuild one) to find the parts for your saber? finding different pieces builds different ones. luke could have holocron blueprints. find one you like and go get the parts. then come on back to the academy and put it together.


i dunno, just a thought.

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probably, but it would be an interesting concept, especially after such a traumatic experience.


kyle just lost a student, and while rosh was not jaden's friend, he was an ally. that stuff hurts. luke could have requested jaden head out to clear his head.


(ok, so traumatic is a little over the top...you get the point.) ;)

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Ok let me get this straight, txa1265 - mike, you would like a character creation aspect of a rpg game in fps environment. That would be interesting.


But rebuilding a lightsaber would definately be an interesting objective, of course thats assuming that LA knows how to build one. I know in the EU books its briefly discussed but would they use the EU as a reference? Could be cool though!

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Originally posted by Javva the Hutt

Ok let me get this straight, txa1265 - mike, you would like a character creation aspect of a rpg game in fps environment. That would be interesting.

Not entirely. I don't want to be sitting in front of the screen looking at the level up page deciding whether to put that 1 pt remaining into Strength or Charisma or Dexterity ... for something like 15 minutes like I do with Neverwinter Nights ...


However, the game already has 6 preset character types or 'classes', and I was psyched when I thought that different classes were going to get different starting Stances. I would have been happy with that. I just would have liked some further fleshing out of what was already there - like force power selection, weapon and inventory selection, dialogue selection, more light/dark influence elements, and so on. Subtle things make a big difference.



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