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Increasing Enemy life.


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I am wondering how to increase the npc's life points, I know you have to go into some files and alter them I just need to know what ones and what to do. Reason being I want to put dismemberment lvl 2 on but I don't want them to die so fast I want longer duels.

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Increasing the difficulty to Jedi Master will make (some) npc's take more hits before dying.


Also keep in mind that head shots are more deadly than body shots, which are more deadly than limb shots.


Human Mercs die in 1-2 hits if shot in the head, many more if shot in the arms or legs. ; )


You can turn off locationbaseddamage with a cvar (at least in MP) which makes all shots count as body shots (as they did in JK2 IIRC).


Otherwise, yeah, you need to edit some files in order to change their stats, and that's not something I have experience with, sorry.

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