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Being an officer


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I have ordered this game, but have not gotten it delivered yet, but can you be like a rebel or Imperial officer and have men, like NPC's, under you? When the Space Expansion comes out, would you be able to be a bridge officer on like a capital ship?





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Yes, let's see now:


90 million Credits for a Nebulon-B Frigate, 300 meters long.


SSD, Executor-Class, 17 500 meters long.


Difference: 58.3 times larger.


Rough price: 5.25 billion Credits. :D


Yes, I wouldn't be suprised if you had that kind of money, Deft. :D

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Eh, I do have 8 months. .25 million creds a night.....30 nights in a month........


x .25

x 8

=60 million

If I can convince 19 other members to join me:


x 20

= 1.2 billion


I'd never make my members do something so dull and lifeless, but hey, it's math.


I doubt the devs would do anything other than make it an FP buy. Would take a large group to purchase and probably highly limitted. You know Tie's and X-wings will be FP purchases.

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Nuh uh. You would just be appointed commander of it. You don't "buy" the ship, you just take charge of it. Just like in the movies, the Imperial officers didn't "own" it, they were just in charge of it. I'm talking like that. Perhaps it would cost money, but that would be more like leasing money, and not that much.

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heheh, I know somebody who has that kind of money and it's only because he's a weaponsmith. He was one of the first Master Weaponsmiths and he earned it all himself through sales. He has been saving up to buy a fleet of Mon Cal Cruisers to go around bashing AT-ST spamming and business ruining Imperials (long story short, Imps place a covert detector nearbye his house to cut his business by 3/4 since most of the rebs went there instead of the Imperial superstore...it got him POed enough to join the rebs, join our PA, and throw a few million credits behind the PA while producing free weapons for any rebs in our guild and two others)

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First of all, I was only joking about the cost thingy. :D

I don't know, I may see Friends alittle too much. :p


Secondly, I don't know too much how much I will be able to earn as a weaponsmith, but I'm hoping I will be able to make aliving out of it. :)


I do know, still being somewhat profecient with both a pistol and carbine, that you can make excellent money as a fighter. :)

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Originally posted by EsahC

Darth, even though it was dull and boring, that story was cool to me. LOL I think its because they tried to slow him down and he got pissed and straight pimped inside your PA


It was cool to me too...Free Weapons made by the best weaponsmith on Corellia. Which means our commandos disect AT-STs in just a few seconds. :D


And yes, Rebels are screwed over in the Fac Bonus department and it pisses me off that any newb can have an AT-ST while our best players can get owned by the AT-ST in one shot, but soon our PA will have a full staff of high powered members. Those who havn't Mastered their chosen big professions are on the verge of doing so. So I'm looking forward to owning AT-STs and sending the Armor spam whores back to their cloning centers crying cause they just lost 9k fac points. Thankfully you don't see all that many Armor spammers, but the other day we were on a Krayt Dragon hunt and had a lair blown up before we'd gotten 3 dragons out of it, because a group of Imps walked up and capped a dragon and then blew the lair up instead of eeking the rest out of it. Pissed me off to see all that XP and the fun blown away because a bunch of newbs had some AT-STs and are going hunting with them. It's like the equivalent of a Nov. CH going hunting with a Rancor. Sick. [/PatheticRant]

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*shakes fist* Blasted newbies with their AT-ST's...it really ticks me off when people have more than one, even that one out. I see it as a way of saying, 'Oh...my skills suck so I'm going to hide behind my big metal thingy and have him fight all of my battles for me...' Geez people...fight honorably...if someone's melee, don't send ST's or Seniors after 'em...just stand there and shoot and die like a man and not run so that you have the advangage over the other player, shooting while not getting hit at all. Went to Lok once with a group, died by the Salt Mynocks and someone had three, count 'em...THREE AT-ST's out. In my opinion, that is overkill...big time. Oh, by the way, if I remember right, AT-ST's are 9675 Imperial Faction points. I had an Imperial Fencer on the Valcyn server, but I deleted him and replaced him with a Rebel Commando/Bounty Hunter...well, not exactly the two, I'm still working on a few skills... "/

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I animantly refuse to use AT-STs in PvP. I could have gotten one, but I've decided rank is more important to me right now. I only use the cheap STs for PvP.....but even they are growing useless to me. A good dose of poison takes down the best Commandos and TKAs now anyway.

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So are they different? All I know the last AT-ST i battle was a NPC generated from SWG and that one was tough. I got killed and I was with a couple of other guys with a few good pets and I had to run back and them kill it after a 2nd tryed and I was Incapped again even when it went down. I am a Commando and used a FT with Flame LVL2. People all say that commandos take them right out and was wondering how am i missing something? I can do it but its a challenge everytime. So now I have start up the CH tree to get a Grual Mauler to TANK for me in battle.

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