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The Cairn Installation - Assembly Area


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uh christ....trying to remember that level. cba loading up to find out but try this:


1. look for breakable vents in the walls or ceiling;


2. look for an electrical panel or switch you can disable either with force push or a sabre throw or blaster hit;


try to find a way to disable the power or get through/around the room by another means.

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Originally posted by DarthVadar

I am at the ramp to find a room with an electrified floor and stuck like Chuck! Please H-E-L-P!

I can only think of the room with the transport ship in it. The trick is to jump from crate to crate until you've done a '180' then jump into the ship.

Take the elevator up and get out via a window. Head into the control room on your right and cut the power. Bob's yer uncle.

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Go back, there is a building in a little pit. Jump to the ramp to get to the second floor and vreak the evntshaft. Use the button, then activate force Speed and run across the floor that was electrified just a minute ago. You should have enough time to even take the elevator to get there :)

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I remember this area well ...


First, make sure you take out the guy with the Flechette - I suggest Mind Trick to give you the time.


From there, remember the old Raven strategy - follow the shooter, and if there is more than one, follow the most dangerous one (try this sometime - you can play the entirety of SoFII brain-dead just following this rule).


What I mean is Jump to where he was, then again, take out the Stormie, and jump again. Jump/run to where the officer was. Jump down and hit the elevator switch and jump back up to the crates. When the elevator comes down you can jump over onto it.


Usin this strategy I've done the room losing only 20 shields.



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