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how do i.. dodge sniper shots in SP?


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ok. we all know that the narshadda streets are kinda hard because of the stupid snipers and stuff. i know there is a way to not get hit by those energy bolts from the disrupter (or w/e it is), and i have even witnessed other jedi doing it. but i cannot, whatever i try. ive tried facing it head-on, and different stuff, but all i end up getting is desintegrated. the few times i have accidentally dodged them, it looked sort of slow-motiony. can someone tell me how i can dodge or block them?

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Set your difficulty to "Padawan" or "Jedi" and watch Kyle make like Neo dodging the Sniper shots like magic....

Nah, Kyle just whips out a hand and stops the shots short......... :p


Dodging seems to me to be a random occurance, but if you hold the 'use' button that might increase the chance of a dodge. But mainly you have to take cover and return fire. ;)

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OK, this is from memory, I haven't played it for months: make sure you have your own disruptor rifle. There is one behind the bar on the upper level of the cantina. Open the door to the outside on the upper level but don't go outside. Kill the gran across the way. Then switch to disruptor rifle and crouch in the open doorway. Go to sniper mode and slowly move sideways while still crouched. The only way to move when using the sniper scope is to crouch. Look out to where there are some rodian snipers shooting from windows. By crouching and moving slowly sideways a little at a time, you can get your sights on the snipers while still being protected by the doorway. Zoom in on the window, charge up, then when the sniper pops up, take him out. Repeat for the other sniper in another window.


Go out on to the catwalks and take out bad guys nearby so you won't get shot in the back. The next sniper is on a catwalk high above. Use the sniper scope mode to take him out. I did best on that level by taking my time, crouching, and using the sniper scope to methodically eliminate the snipers. And save often.

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