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HOw can I host a non dedicated server and let other join?


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I just want to start a JK academy server that is not dedicated so i can play on the same comp im using as a server. I knew u cant just go to creat game cause it doesnt list it. I remember I had to use a program that allowed me to host a game and peolpe joined from the internet. Can someone please help me out? Thanks

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The problem with launching 2 games from the same places is like installing a permanent residency only to then want to have it shared at another place... The resources arent there to allow 2 sessions.


One thing to try is to maybe make a new Jedi Academy installation(DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK) and then try to do a non-dedicated and have the original Installation run dedicated.

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Originally posted by Master William

1. You can't enter it

2. Read number 1

3. Read number 2

4. Read number 3





I hate to break it to you Master William, but I play on my own server, same PC, same game ALL the time. Kurgan and I both do it, and it doesnt cause any excess lag. Its like we are joining from separate PCs, but are really playing on the same PC. Its really not hard to do. Just have the game open on like port 29071, since JAMP.exe defaults to 29070 and then load it up. For me, just for a lag precaution, I up the priority of JADEDMP.exe and kick down the priority on JAMP.exe and it works like a charm.

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This is really great news... but would you mind explaining the process you guys are using with just a little more detail? I've come across a few conflicting suggestions on the forum here, and am more than a little confused as to what the correct procedure is. When you say the following, what do you mean?


Just have the game open on like port 29071, since JAMP.exe defaults to 29070 and then load it up.


I'm getting confused on how one can run a Ded server and join without starting two games, which is what I gathered you are saying is possible from your post here. Sorry if I'm misunderstanding or if this seems like server 101 stuff... but this is the first time I've had a computer capable of anything other that being a client, so my server experience is limited. Any insight is appreciated.

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Its quite simple actually. On the shortcut for the JADEDMP.exe it should look something like this (only after changing the Forward ports so that 29071 is open and 29070 is closed)


"c:\program files\lucasarts\star wars jedi knight jedi academy\gamedata\jadedmp.exe" +set net_port 29071 +set dedicated 2


and for the shortcut for the JAMP.exe file


"c:\program files\lucasarts\star wars jedi knight jedi academy\gamedata\jamp.exe" +set net_port 29070



This will allow the dedicated and the game itself to run on 2 different ports. And yes Master, the problem is the distance from his server to your computer. Well, just use the JA Dedicated server files. If Amidala from the Chop Shop was here, that member could help explain the further tweaking that would help.

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1. There is no problem having multiple installations of JO or JA, if you have enough disk space. Just make copies of your GameData folder, you can call them GameData, GameData2, etc. I found that some skins, mods, and maps for multiplayer kept my single player game (JO) from launching, so I have a separate GameData for single player that has no skins or 3rd-party maps in the base folder. Just keep all the GameData folders in the same Star Wars etc. folder.


2. While you can run a server and a client on the same machine as Andy describes, it's not an ideal situation. For best server performance, run a dedicated server on a box (computer) that is not running a client.

From pg. 41 of the Star Wars® Jedi Knight®: Jedi Academy manual

"A dedicated server is a computer that only runs a game for others. If the option is set to LAN or Internet, the server administrator won't be able to play the game from that computer, but the server will run better for the other players than it would if the administrator were playing along with them".

Try this: close all programs and windows, then launch Task Manager (taskmgr.exe) before you start a Jedi Academy client (the client is "the game" as you normally play it). Click the Performance tab and you will see a real-time graph of CPU Usage. It will be typically <10%.


Then launch Jedi Academy in a window (Full Screen: OFF in video setup), and look at CPU usage. It will be 100% (and I have a P4 2.4GHz with 1024MB DDR RAM). The client is trying to use 100% of your CPU's power. The operating system will allow you to run a server and other programs at the same time, but the game client will be constantly trying to hog all the CPU cycles. The server will have no headroom (reserve) when it needs it, and lag will result. Telling the OS to give the server priority as Andy describes helps the server, but it doesn't change the fact that there is only so much CPU horsepower to go around.


Many households have more than one computer in them. A dedicated server requires far less resources than a game client, and will run on a 700MHz PIII or faster. A better solution is to run a dedicated server on an older computer and your game client on the newer computer, with both sharing the Internet connection through a switch\router. The server will show up in your server browser under Local.


And let me tell you a dirty little secret: anyone who is playing on the server or networked locally to the server will have an advantage over the players connecting to the server over the Internet. The local player will have a ping <5 (even 0) and therefore no lag. It's amazing how big an advantage it is. I ran a duel server at home and I owned much better players even though I'm not that good at dueling. I actually did things to lose intentionally or else people would get frustrated and leave. Same thing happened when I ran an instagib disruption server at home. I was always a split-second faster getting my shot off and I dominated. When I moved the server to a hosted server and lost my ping advantage, my true suckiness returned.


So if Andy and Kurgan seem god-like on their servers, now you know why. Sorry for blowing your cover guys!:)

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Me? God-like? I get killed more on my own server than another server I join!!! :p And since I am close to Kurgan, we really have similar pings(i typically get 50-120ms on his server). But yea, what I do is I set the JADEDMP.exe priority to high, and then kick the priority for JAMP.exe to low so that is compensates for the CPU priorities. Works great(luckily a guy back in Outcast told me about it like a year ago)

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