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Clipper Tool Woes


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Highlight the brush you're trying to clip. Place the clip points. Youll notice one section of the brush will turn yellow. Thats the section that will remain after you clip it (by pressing Enter). To change which section remains, hold Ctrl then press enter. The new section will go yellow. To keep the entire brush and still clip, hold Shift, then press Enter.

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Patch meshes can't be clipped.


What you CAN do however, is go to Gtk's Plugins menu and find "split patch," I think under BobsToolz. That will split a cylinder into 4 bevels for you (and it can also split other patches). You can then manipulate the vertices however you like (details here). When you're done, if you want, you can use the "merge patches" plugin to take two adjoining meshes and combine them.

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