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Rebel mission terminals on Naboo?


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I've been to Theed and Keren on Naboo, and I have yet to see any Rebel mission terminals (rbts) on that planet. I started the game out on Corellia, and in Tyrena and Coronet there are rbts, but at least in Tyrena there aren't any Imperial mission terminals (imts). I was also at Kor Vella (sp?), but there no rbts or imts. In Theed there are many imts, but in Keren I have yet to see any. I was playing Corellia for a while and got my Reb faction standing (rfs) up to 92, and I got tired of that world, so I went to Naboo. I wanted to continue doing that on Naboo, but I found no rbts. :( Is that the way it's done? After all Naboo is rather Imperial and is where the Emperor was born, and Corellia rather rebellious. But is there not a square inch of that planet that could house an rbt?


If anyone could help (without making me leave the beautiful world of Naboo) that would be great.



Beneficii aka Bekaw Flyingstar (on Ahazi)

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goto moenia, from there find the cantina, you will see two mission terminals and a recruiter. also, find the cloning center, on your way out, you'll notice another reb mission terminal. sadly, moenia is the only town on naboo with mission terms. if you go to rori, naboo's moon and sister planet, you will see on the map of where to go to a rebel outpost..good money there. and if your novice, you get pretty good money and its really close.

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