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JA - Miyamoto Musashi WIP


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Miyamoto Musashi


Heres my first dive into lowpoly modelling. This is Miyamoto Musashi, the most famous samuari. He lived in the 17th century, during the rise of the Tokugawa family. He fought over 60 duels in his life and never lost once. He is most famous for developing the Niten Ichi Ryu, or "Two Heavens as One" style. This style involved wielding two swords, both the katana and wakizashi (which I plan to model also.) The model is currently at 2978 trigons, and I haven't started texturing yet. If anyone could point me to a tutorial on setting up a model for JA I'd greatly appreciate it :) I've read the Tim Appleby tutorial but I'm still lost as to what to do after modelling/UVW/texturing. Comments/critiques are welcomed!





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Ah, thanks everybody :D


Insane Sith, I hate to shoot you down, but Musashi was neither a shogun nor a warlord. He would probably best be described as a 'shugyosha' (wandering apprentice/student-warrior) or 'ronin' (itinerant swordsman.) Also,Hellfire Jedi, you are correct - he was known for fighting with a wooden sword (bokken). In fact, in his most famous duel, he defeated Sasaki Kojiroh at Ganryu Island with a sword he carved from a wooden oar. If anyone wants to know more about his history, look for a copy of Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa (translated by Charles S. Terry.)


As for a Nobunaga model, who knows, it could happen. However, its hard enough finding source material on Musashi, and I doubt Nobunaga would be any easier. Plus, I don't think Nobunaga ever participated in any battles - I think he was more of a administrative type (I could easily be wrong here, though, my knowledge on the early Tokugawa period is limited to stuff about Musashi.) I might be interested in modelling Kojiro, if I could find the references, as an interesting counter-point to this model :)


I'm working on the UV and textures now, so no new update yet. I'm new to the world of UVs but I'm coming along fine. Also, I'd really appreciate it if anyone could explain to me about making tags and weights in gmax - I'm modelling/texturing in Lightwave, and I don't own 3DS or XSI. I can make my Lightwave models into md3s, but I don't know if gmax does bones/weights. Any help is truly appreciated!




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Originally posted by jodonnell

Ah, thanks everybody :D


Insane Sith, I hate to shoot you down, but Musashi was neither a shogun nor a warlord. He would probably best be described as a 'shugyosha' (wandering apprentice/student-warrior) or 'ronin' (itinerant swordsman.)


As for a Nobunaga model, who knows, it could happen. However, its hard enough finding source material on Musashi, and I doubt Nobunaga would be any easier. Plus, I don't think Nobunaga ever participated in any battles - I think he was more of a administrative type

ah sorry my mistake i was thinking of someone else >_<~.


And I can find you some sources on Nobunaga.


My computer crashed yesterday so I'm having to use my mom's crappy iMac :(. I'll see what i can do though. Unfortunately this site has some problems with support on this mac so it's sometimes hard to get on. I'll see what I can do. :)

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"Miyamoto Musashi" The sword saint was also known for as accomplished righter and artist. He wrote "The Book of Five Rings"


He is one of my favorite historical people.

Nice model..:D


I made a small Saber mod. That gives you 2 sabers one long and one short bladed nothing complex. I used the "Saesee Tinn" saber model for the hilts. I was just playing with dual sabers one day and thought about the Japanese style that Miyamoto Musashi perfected.

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