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Should LucasArts fire SOE?


Should LucasArts fire SOE?  

47 members have voted

  1. 1. Should LucasArts fire SOE?

    • YES! Fire SOE and let someone else try to make SWG!
    • SORTA! Keep SOE but rebuild the game from scratch!
    • NO! Keep SOE and let them keep doing what they're doing!
    • KILL IT ALL!! This game can never be made!

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The game is a disaster and now the populations on all servers are crashing. We have all been mislead, ripped off, and disappointed.


I for one think LucasArts should fire SOE and redo the game from scratch.


What does everyone else think?


I'm going to write a letter that I'm sure no one will ever read:

LucasArts Entertainment Co.

P.O. Box 10307

San Rafael, CA 94912

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You need to understand that ANY of the online games work at 100% since the beggining and at the moment I don't know about anyone that is working in a 100%, and SWG is one of the Biggest 3 MMORPG, and just int he first 3 months since the game was released, they are doing a great job, and you just need to wait a little bit more until they can fix most of the bugs and problems they have, and you won't care a lot about that.


just be patient, SWG is a great game.

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This game is WAY less than 100%. When I played DAoC, even right at release, there was SOOOOO much to do. This game is getting more stable, true, but the design is terrible. There is no content, professions are terrible, the whole idea is broken at the core.


It needs to be re-invisioned.

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I've played many games, and many MMORPG's.


I've never in my life seen as much noise on the SOE forums as I have elsewhere.


I haven't played for too long, but I am very sensitive about getting ripped for my hard earned cash. I already have a list of "issues" with the game.


I don't think it's enough to make me quit right now, as I remain somewhat optimistic, however I can truely say, the game is in poor shape. I don't know what possessed them to go with SOE, they would have done better to do it themselves, lord knows they should have that kind of capital.

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Well, you're lucky then. I've been playing since Beta and I'm bored to tears.


Its so repetitive. And very few people roleplay, which is fine with me, but now, there are very few people at all anymore. I can't find anyone who makes crates of ice cream, or stimp D's. Can't find anything to do except PvP (which is screwed up) or the same pointless destroy missions over and over (which are boring and shallow).


I'm bored to tears and everyday I login, there are fewer and fewer people online. The game needs to be redone. And I don't think SOE is the company to do it.

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Originally posted by Neco

I don't know what possessed them to go with SOE, they would have done better to do it themselves, lord knows they should have that kind of capital.


SERIOUSLY! I mean, when Lucas wanted to make Star Wars, he created Industrial Light and Magic because no one else was good enough. Yet for something like this (which wouldn't involve creating a completely new era of technology like ILM did), he opts to go with Sony? It would be very easy to create an off-shoot of LucasArts that could have put this game together.

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Actually it's ironic.


I had this one friend, who was always talking about how he is saving huge cash for a brand new PC (and believe me his was crappy) and how he's doing it just to play SWG..


I kept reading about this game, and I kept telling him "Man, this is gonna suck, I will tell you right now", gave him many many reasons.


Here I am months later, having just bought the thing, and find one out for once in my life, I was right.


I don't know. I am not hardcore Star Wars, but I think it's damn cool to walk around Mos Eisley and other places.. (Corellia blew me away with the forests) I just can't believe something with the name Star Wars could suck so bad, and then I remember the Everquest (in relation to SOE)- Star Wars Special Edition, and the new movies; It must be a new trend.


(before anyone rants, I have technological/timeline/acting issues with the new movies, not the special effects)

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Originally posted by Neco

(before anyone rants, I have technological/timeline/acting issues with the new movies, not the special effects)


What? There was acting in the new movies? Where? Is that a feature on the DVD's or something?

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Anyone who says this game has no content... isnt looking hard enough. There are SOOOO many NPC missions, and you never know if your going to get something special. If you are getting bored, get rid of any structure that requires matinence, and go make a new character.


32 professions, 9 HUGE planets, probably close to 1000 NPC missions, Thousands of items.


And your bored? Ive been playing since launch and feel this game has great content.

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Originally posted by Xx_Patman_xX


32 professions, 9 HUGE planets, probably close to 1000 NPC missions, Thousands of items.


You sound like an SOE plant. Good marketing lingo. You should be on the commercial.


Yes, there are 32 "professions" if you consider novice types to be different professions from master types.


1000 NPC missions? Really? Do any of them have anything to do other than "Deliver this" or "destroy that"?? Even that is okay, but they make no sense. My bounty mark is some guy standing around in the middle of nowhere?? Lame.


Thousands of items? Now you are blatantly lying. Yes, there are lots of items, like several types of fireworks (oh my!), 5 types of chairs (weeeeee!), and then every house has the same little trinkets: the bird cage, the vid screen, the painting, etc. etc. etc.


We had a Gala at our PA hall and our door prizes were lame because they were things everyone had seen before. I've seen pretty much every item there is to see in the game. In DAoC, I'd see people running around all the time with different jewerly and weapons I'd never seen before.

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Content is often in the eye of the beholder.


Missions are mostly, boring and static. At least as far as I am concerned. Content doesn't really mean much, if you can't actually do anything with it.


Right now I have two goals. Get to Bounty Hunter, and for the love of god find a wind field at 40 - 50% efficiency, that actually has room for 10 generators, and will actually LET me build on the spot for once..


After that, its save save save, and get the skills I need to craft items, and run an "Outdoors" store (fishing poles, camping stuff, stimpacks.. outdoorsish type crap). Assuming the game doesn't fold before then.


I dunno.. Maybe I'll write down my random thoughts on the game and plaster it up on my site.


Would be cool to actually get some hate mail from the rest of the internet for once, haha..



I honestly want to like it. I've met some ok people and had a few good laughs, and some bit of fun.

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Originally posted by Neco

Content is often in the eye of the beholder.


Missions are mostly, boring and static. At least as far as I am concerned. Content doesn't really mean much, if you can't actually do anything with it.


Right now I have two goals. Get to Bounty Hunter, and for the love of god find a wind field at 40 - 50% efficiency, that actually has room for 10 generators, and will actually LET me build on the spot for once..


After that, its save save save, and get the skills I need to craft items, and run an "Outdoors" store (fishing poles, camping stuff, stimpacks.. outdoorsish type crap). Assuming the game doesn't fold before then.


I dunno.. Maybe I'll write down my random thoughts on the game and plaster it up on my site.


Would be cool to actually get some hate mail from the rest of the internet for once, haha..



I honestly want to like it. I've met some ok people and had a few good laughs, and some bit of fun.


I used to have an outdoor store myself but it didn't last. I didn't sell a damn thing. I had butterfly cannisters: what good are they? I had camps: people who can use camps and make camps! I had traps: people who can use traps can make traps! I had fishing poles and bait: fishing is boring and ridiculous in this game (EQ was funner in this area). I had "rare" items but no one really wanted them.

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I get the feeling that most of you do one of the these thing's


Solo all the time

Do not do NPC mission's

Do not do any theme park's

Do not have a guild that give's you mission's to do

Do not Role play


Me personaly, I like the game. I think it does get better with every patch. I do think something's need work ( as stated above, your target being out in the middle of nowhere instead of being in a town ).


To put it plain and simple. What you put into the game you will get out of it. If you need a big reason to play ( like the world is about to end, or have to stop some bad guy before he take's over the world ), Then you need to play final fantasy game's. I think if you would role play, you would have a better experaince in the game. This is a chance to live out a life in the Star war's universe is what this is.

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I have to agree with Breetai. Part of an MMORPG is creating your own world and not doing anything that goes past the mind.


Joining a guild and start doing some investigations for them on opposite factions to plan out a large scale attack or by creating a consumer organisation with shops and the like.


SWG is not build to last on NPC's everyone can understand that but build to last on the players letting their imagination run wild.


Ive had a few RPG encounters and as long as i can have fun with my friends and guildmembers the SWG world continues to grow.


It's not all SOE's fault. They also rely on the players.


What do u think when SOE said: "you players arent doing enough to keep us busy. lets fire ur accounts."...


SWG is simply put "What you make of it". :D

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Originally posted by Breetai

Solo all the time

Do not do NPC mission's

Do not do any theme park's

Do not have a guild that give's you mission's to do

Do not Role play


*whistles innocently*


I don't really find the game boring, but there are times when I find myself in the cantina asking myself, 'What to do...'. To keep the game at the top of my list of games, I try various professions, keeping Master Musician and Master Entertainer at the same time, but I don't have the skill points to Master at that specific skill :(

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my opinion of people disliking the game.. is... you dont have the right people to hang around with..


i have been playing beta.. and from the start of release. and with the group of friends im with... not ONE flaw can make me hate this game.


its just awesome when your out with 10 (give or take) people on Dantooine in the middle of the night (on dantooine :p) and you go kill a dark jedi... see screen


its awesome when you have 5 players and 4 pets giving some defilers an ass whoopin on Dathomir.


its just awesome to go with one of your best friends.. and shoot down a rogue fambaa on Naboo with hyst the 2 of you.


and dont begin about the views... walking on Yavin 4... MAN that planet is beatiful... watching a sunrise on your balcony of your Naboo medium house.. its.. breath taking.. walking acros Tattooine and all of a sudden this HUGE palace comes in view...


and then there are people talk about BUGS.... come on.. enjoy starwars with your friends.. thats what this game is ALL about.




Corzip Dinn

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The "all mmp'ers have bugs" thing doesn't fly anymore, bugs are NOT the main issues, contrary to what the suits at soe may be telling LucasArts. SWG has huge, festering holes in it. Content is the least of the concern, the very core of the game is flawed.


Not sure who's idea it was to not have player "tanks" like in most other mmog's, but forcing everyone, and I mean EVERYONE to have a stone age type pet was really really bad. Let see, we can make droidika's (tho they were illegal in this time period), or we can have a giant camel that can fight for us.


No way to ever raise your HAM bar was a disaster on paper, and a disaster in practice. What the heck were they thinking, its just unbelievable.


Incapped/dead by Mind Damage. I don't mind taking mind damage, I don't mind being incapped, but no way to heal mind damage. That is absolutly the worst bad desicion I've ever seen, and I worked at Lexmark for 11 years. :)


Each city should be factional or at least most. There is NO WAY that a rebel should be able to clone at a imperial controlled city. THis negates the purpose of PvP, turns it into a massive zerg fest with whoever clones quickest winning, if you can call killing the same person for 90 minutes ever 30 seconds winning.


Non healable fire damage. I just can't understand that one, shouldn't laying prone be able to die you out? I know, I know, if I'm covered in napalm and stop, drop and roll and I'm not gonna die out, but come on. Non healable imminent death is ridiculous. All you get is waves of suicide commandos, flamming people, dying instantly, cloning and flaming the rest. That is madness. Would think someone would make a fire extinguisher in this advanced civilization. Its unreal.


On the good side, the whole artisan/crafting system is rather well done, best of any MMP I've played. And I really enjoy the way doctors are implimented. collecting supplies and expermienting my stims/enchancments to get the most oomph is one of the few things that has kept me hanging on.


Ah well, I wouldn't fire SOE, they will be able to pull it off, I would just fire ALL of the upper managment, some of the middle managment, and get more devs to help spread the workload. Rethink the Vision. Dust off Brad McQuiad and hire him as an adviser. And REQUIRE everyone from mailroom clerks to bean counters to peddlers to play the game 2 hours a day. There is no way a dev or anyone else should have such a heavy workload that they can't play thier own game, on a live server. That in itself is absurd.


And if LucasArts hired SOE because of the tremendous success of Everquest (arguably the greatest game of all time, MMP or otherwise), they shoulda got the guys who worked on EQ to work on SWG. SOE is totally departmentalized, only thing they share is huge pockets and poor managment.

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Originally posted by Breetai



I get the feeling that most of you do one of the these thing's


Solo all the time

Do not do NPC mission's

Do not do any theme park's

Do not have a guild that give's you mission's to do

Do not Role play


You're making false assumptions then. I've been playing since Beta and here is what I find to be the main problems:


"Solo all the time" -- Wrong! I hate soloing. In DAoC it was very very very easy to find a group to go hunt or adventure with. With SWG, from day one, it was difficult, unless you wanted to join the XP whores who wanted to exploit the baz nitches.


But these days, with the servers thinning out, its even harder.


"Do not do NPC mission's" - Every NPC mission is a varient of "Even though I live in this high tech advanced world, apparently, there is no parcel delivery system so please go drop this off" or "For some reason, a bunch of flies in the middle of nowhere really bother my non existant house, somehow, so please go destroy them."


The delivery missions especially prove that they (SOE) treated this game like EverQuest. They though to themselves "Well, we made EverQuest. We'll just do the same thing but with Star Wars touches, like music, and 'blasters.'"


"Do not do any theme park's" - I've done theme parks. They're just as boring. First of all, the "items" they give out are usually things you would have no use for at that point in the game (like a beginner sword, or even funnier yet, a pair of binoculars that are for show only, and you can't really show them to anyone because you can't even wear them!)


Second, many of them are, sadly, broken. But ultimately, YAWN! DAoC "theme parks" were funner and more challenging. They made you travel to vast regions and had great storylines built into them.


"Do not have a guild that give's you mission's to do" - Wrong again. I've been in a guild since the first week. We used to do lots of things together. But now, most people are too bored with the same repetitive missions, or they find no use for XP that gets them broken skills, or, worst of all, many have already quit the game altogether.


"Do not Role play" - I love this argument the most because I used to say the same thing to everyone! I'm an avid roleplayer, but this, my friend, is not roleplaying. Role players are hard to find. Almost everyone talks OOC, and even those that are willing to role speak will drop all roleplay as soon as they leave the cantina.


I, on the otherhand, would talk to my marks before killing them. I used to shout things during battle. Ultimately, I felt like an idiot talking to lifeless NPC's who have nothing to do or say except stand there and fidget.


My guild just recently held an Imperial Gala that drew dozens of people. But ultimately, there was nothing to roleplay with. All the dancer competitors had the same moves. The BH's creamed everyone in the combat tourney. The fashion show was made of clothes everyone had seen before. And the prizes were things everyone had already heard of and seen littered in houses of the people who now have nothing else to spend their money on (Bantha statues, engraved pens, bird cages, designer glasses, etc etc etc etc etc etc).


This game has NOTHING to do with Star Wars! They just slapped the name on there and gave us all blasters!

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This game has NOTHING to do with Star Wars! They just slapped the name on there and gave us all blasters!


Well, I have to say that your statement is very true except, you know ALL the content in the game is from the MOVIES... You know the Star Wars Series??? Have you heard of it???(IT'S SCI FCI-MAKE BELIEVE)


AND to read your rant and raving about this game, why do you continue to play? I mean really why would you still pay for the worst MMORPG that you make it out to be? You are the most ignorant person ever to have gone through BETA and now the last 3-4 months paying for something you think is utter crap... I wish people like you would make your point/opinion then either give up on the game or just relax and not get so emotional about it. This is a VIDEO GAME that is based off a MOVIE!!!

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Originally posted by Rado




Well, I have to say that your statement is very true except, you know ALL the content in the game is from the MOVIES... You know the Star Wars Series??? Have you heard of it???(IT'S SCI FCI-MAKE BELIEVE)


AND to read your rant and raving about this game, why do you continue to play? I mean really why would you still pay for the worst MMORPG that you make it out to be? You are the most ignorant person ever to have gone through BETA and now the last 3-4 months paying for something you think is utter crap... I wish people like you would make your point/opinion then either give up on the game or just relax and not get so emotional about it. This is a VIDEO GAME that is based off a MOVIE!!!


You're the one that's getting emotional and calling me names.


Yes, I have seen the MOVIES. There are NO pet Rancors in the movies, there is no 1337 speak in the movies, there are no baz nitches in the movies, there are no houses lit completely by 16th century torches... I can go on and on.


The music is Star Wars, the names of NPC (some of them, anyways) fit the Star Wars genre. But on the whole, it has very little to do with the meat of what Star Wars is or was.

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Originally posted by jedi_digant

You're the one that's getting emotional and calling me names.


Yes, I have seen the MOVIES. There are NO pet Rancors in the movies, there is no 1337 speak in the movies, there are no baz nitches in the movies, there are no houses lit completely by 16th century torches... I can go on and on.


The music is Star Wars, the names of NPC (some of them, anyways) fit the Star Wars genre. But on the whole, it has very little to do with the meat of what Star Wars is or was.


Now your just been silly, if you dont like it then quit and go play another MMORPG. I havent played it yet due to been in Europe, but ive heard good & bad things about it.. so guess i'll just give it ago. If i like it i'll stay till i get bored/time to move on or if i dont like it i will just move on...

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Originally posted by Sim Fubar

Now your just been silly, if you dont like it then quit and go play another MMORPG. I havent played it yet due to been in Europe, but ive heard good & bad things about it.. so guess i'll just give it ago. If i like it i'll stay till i get bored/time to move on or if i dont like it i will just move on...


I think the reason many of us are upset is because we didn't buy this game because we were just looking for a good MMO game to play. If that were true, we would easily just say "Well, this game sucks, lets go play DAoC or EQ or some other game."


Many of us are upset because we are STAR WARS fans. We have dreamed of such a game. And as it is right now, in totally the wrong hands, we feel this will never come to fruition.


But its not just the STAR WARS fans that are mad. Fans of MMORPGS are also bored. Roleplayers are bored. Powergamers are bored.


Now, if you have a lot of good RP friends, you can certainly stay entertained with yourself. But you could do the same on SimsOnline or in a chat room. Why pay $15 a month? Because its "STAR WARS" ?? Just because you stand around in a place that is supposed the cantina in Mos Eisley doesn't mean you feel like you're in Star Wars. Once you get past the superficial graphical elements, you realize it doesn't feel like it did in the movies.


Compare that to other games where the design is so good and the stories and NPCs are better thought out: you can roleplay and stay active even when no one else is online playing.

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