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Binding question ???


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A very quick and possibly easy question,


Is there a way of binding several movement keys together on to one key ??? ie:- CROUCH, ATTACK, BACK, ETC so when you press the one key it performs the movement/saber strike ???


I await your answers, ohh great ones ............

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Originally posted by hunty316

A very quick and possibly easy question,


Is there a way of binding several movement keys together on to one key ??? ie:- CROUCH, ATTACK, BACK, ETC so when you press the one key it performs the movement/saber strike ???


I await your answers, ohh great ones ............

Commands can be seperated by a ";".


However, I recommend against doing something like this, because it tends to be less effective than learning how to execute the moves on your own.

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the senario im trying to confront is this !!!


When dualing in MP, I see lots of players changing from dual sabers or staff to single and performing the upward strike while the NoObs of this world use there new found kata skills, this obviously is very effective. They seem to do it seamlessly, so as to do it with one key stroke, the move im talking about takes about four/five key presses (no one is that quick with the keys) !!!

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I know exactly what move you mean, and YES, there are people that can switch that fast.



MS Intellimouse:

mouse1: attack1

mouse2: attack2

mouse3: saberstyle

mouse4: jump

mouse5: crouch

enough said





shock1|Darth Rosh's R^S Server:{}|shock1


"Always with you what cannot be done"-Yoda:yoda3

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How could you tell if they are or aren't.

I have seen the vstr spin trick though, tried it based on the RTCW binds, didn't work, your welcome to try read this:


/seta spin "cl_yawspeed 7826; +right; wait 3; -right; cl_yawspeed 40 "


/bind g "vstr spin"


bind g "vstr spin"

seta spin "cl_yawspeed 7826; +right; wait 3; -right; cl_yawspeed 40 "


brujah_xxx: // Spinning

bind g "vstr spin"

seta spin "cl_yawspeed 7826; +right; wait 3; -right; cl_yawspeed 40 "

brujah_xxx: hang on i will try to translate it into jedi academy

brujah_xxx: then all you have to do is hit g

drac1376: ok

brujah_xxx: its sets yawspeed to 7826, waits 3 seconds and then sets it to 40, but this is wolfs

brujah_xxx: /bind g "vstr spin"

brujah_xxx: /seta spin "cl_yawspeed 7826; +right; wait 3; -right; cl_yawspeed 40 "

brujah_xxx: the easy way to do it would be to as this:

brujah_xxx: // Spinning

bind g "vstr spin"

seta spin "cl_yawspeed 7826; +right; wait 3; -right; cl_yawspeed 40 "

brujah_xxx: into your auto exec for jedi academy



It really takes the fun out of the game though unless you want to spawn 50 or so stormtroopers and mow through them in SP, other than that it takes away the challenge and skill level out, I think.




shock1|Darth Rosh's R^S Server - {}|shock1

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