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Single Player: Staff or Dual?


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Originally posted by Wordsmyth

Well, they both have their uses, I suppose. But which one simply kills faster?



It depends on you're skill. And the other players' skill. If both are good, it will mostlikey take a longer time. If 1 is good the other 1 is a "n00b" :D it will take a faster time.

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Originally posted by Wordsmyth

Well, they both have their uses, I suppose. But which one simply kills faster?


There isn't a lot of information on the Single Player saber styles.

I haven't played to the end with the Staff yet (I played the first level you get that option only to try), but I recently finished with the Dual sabers, and I'd have to say I prefer Single saber to dual sabers.


I'm going with the staff the next time through.



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