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Help a newbie (where is Kurgan's customization thread?)


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Ive finished the Sp sections with all the sabers and both dark and light side, all at "jedi master" difficulty...

Now, due to my slow connection, Mp is really slow and boring, so I need some suggestion to make my fav. game(along with Jedi Outcast and Warcraft3) interesting again.


Here are some questions:


1) Can I use different skins for Jaden in Sp? I mean,just for example, a fan made model of Yoda, or just using the models present in the game, like Chewbecca,Boba Fett, or Lando?


2) Can I use the red saber in Sp? If yes, how can I do? Consider that Im a newbie to those things...I dont even know what the console is, and how to pull it down.... Which button should I press?


3) Browsing the threads in this great forum Ive red some cool things, like spawning Rancors, ships and other creatures... Does this mean tht I can drive a TIE fighter in Sp??(look my avatar:D )

How can I spawn those things? (Remember to specify everything;) )


Now, keep in mind that Im not looking for cheats, but to add something new! It would be great to use a TIE-fighter pilot in the game as Jaden!


Im waiting your replies, thanks:)

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1) Yes, the models/skins are the same as in JO.


2) Its saber single_1 1 red


3) Sure you can drive a TIE! I think its npc spawn vehicle tie-fighter


To bring down the console, its SHIFT + ~


Spawnable things:


Use one of the following values with the "npc spawn vehicle [name]" code:























BTW, do you read Tom Clancy? I just noticed your name.

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saber realistic combat works it alters the damage of sabers at 9999 u just touch tavion and she dies lol

if u wanna be a tie fighter man playermodel stormpilot model_default model_default model_default and btw be careful when flying the tie its very fragile

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if you want to really have some fun, spawn a few kyles (npc spawn kyle) some other random jedi (npc spawn jedi, or jedi_trainer) and then toss in some tavions, reborn and desanns. be sure to put on notarget mode so you dont get your butt handed to you in the mayhem. you might also need to set your graphics to faster or fastest to keep up with the insanity.


alternatively, try spawning 4 or 5 dark jedi and testing your skills against them without using force (except for defense of grip or lightning and the like). it can be a lot of fun, altho lots of the dark jedi like to do a grip+saber throw combo on you if youre not careful.

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Originally posted by Romanov77

Ive finished the Sp sections with all the sabers and both dark and light side, all at "jedi master" difficulty...

Now, due to my slow connection, Mp is really slow and boring, so I need some suggestion to make my fav. game(along with Jedi Outcast and Warcraft3) interesting again.


Here are some questions:


1) Can I use different skins for Jaden in Sp? I mean,just for example, a fan made model of Yoda, or just using the models present in the game, like Chewbecca,Boba Fett, or Lando?


2) Can I use the red saber in Sp? If yes, how can I do? Consider that Im a newbie to those things...I dont even know what the console is, and how to pull it down.... Which button should I press?


3) Browsing the threads in this great forum Ive red some cool things, like spawning Rancors, ships and other creatures... Does this mean tht I can drive a TIE fighter in Sp??(look my avatar:D )

How can I spawn those things? (Remember to specify everything;) )


Now, keep in mind that Im not looking for cheats, but to add something new! It would be great to use a TIE-fighter pilot in the game as Jaden!


Im waiting your replies, thanks:)


Here's a link to JA skins - http://www.pcgamemods.com/se/172/

re: Yoda- (don't know if this is a playable character)http://www.pcgamemods.com/2625/


This thread contains most of the npc spawns and console commands:





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