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Walkthrough for Level 24 (yavin_final)


Force Powers Gained - None



The Home Stretch


You're only a few steps away from confronting Desann. Run down the steps and clear the rocks in the passageway with your saber. Continue through and you'll come out into a small room. You'll hear Desann laugh, and the ceiling will start caving in. Hop up to the next passageway to continue straight for a few steps, and then stop when it seems like you should turn right. Listen for a moment, do you hear anything? Check out the wall to your left. It's fluctuating slightly, totally unnoticeable unless you've stopped moving and are staring straight at it. You can go right and retrieve the goodies around the corner, and then come back to walk through this wall.



Damn That's Toasty


You will now see what was making those sounds...plumes of fire shooting through the corridor up the ramp. Crouch as close as you can to the first flames, and look where they're coming out. Use Force Push to stop them for a short time. Continue through, Force-Pushing each additional flame source. At the end, you'll see a short scene with three different Desanns running down three different hallways. One of them has to be the correct one. Go straight just to start out. At the end will be a mirror. Desann appears in the mirror to taunt you, but when you spin around, he's not there. You can see a faint shadow where he should be standing, though. The shadow will start moving away from you; follow it into the next hallway. As you near the end wall, Desann will laugh. Don't follow the shadow through, you'll fall to your death. *Sigh*, another trick. Go into the last hallway, and down a ramp with a fire at the bottom. Don't try to go through, you'll get burnt to a crisp. Instead, slash the dripping pipe at the top of the ramp. It will break open, pouring water down to put out the fire. Drop down into the hole for one last challenge.



Which One to Push?


You'll drop into a small area with icons to the left, right, and in front of you. However, you only need to push one. With your back to the empty wall, Force Push the one directly ahead. It will move far back, exposing a small passage leading to the left. Go down, turn left, and stop. Flush with the left wall (and very hard to see) is another icon to push...hit it and then go back out, standing under the hole you came through. That empty wall that was there before has now moved to reveal a new passage. follow it around to the left, and make your way through a typical "avoid-the-moving-blocks-or-be-squished" hallway. Force Speed helps a great deal here. At the end, you'll come out into a big room where Desann is waiting.



Desann Tactics


The cutscene will show Desann charging up under a large beam in the center of the room. He and Kyle exchange words, and Desann discovers that all of his precious troops have been blown up in the ship. The two futilely try to convince the other to join their side, and then the fight begins.


To be honest, you don't really *need* to use any new tactics on Desann. Although, you do have to level the playing field a bit. Force Pull the button on the wall to your right, and then hurry over and do the same thing to the button on the opposite side of the room. This turns the beam back on. Jump down and get charged up if you can. The effect only lasts a short while. If you don't make it to the beam in time, you're not out of luck; the beam will just be inactive for a short time, after which you can make your way up to the buttons again. Attack him with the same method you've been using before. It works best if you can get him to throw his light saber while you're using Force Speed...then you can just move in and slash away. Another tactic to defeat him involves the stone pillars located around the bottom of the room. A few saber throws will knock them over, raining debris down. Desann will be following and attacking you, and it is not too difficult for him to get crushed under a few pillars. I have tried this myself; you should only have to knock over two to finish him off. Once he's dead, watch the two cutscenes and you're done! (I figured since I just spoiled about 99% percent of the game, I may as well leave you to find out the ending on your own).


Well, congratulations...you played through one of the best games to come along in years, and you did it all by following a step by step guide. Now go play it again on the Jedi Master setting, you wuss!

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