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I need some assistance....well....it would be greatly appreciated..


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Im currently making a few maps for a SP mod for Jedi Academy, because personally I would like to see how powerful Jedi Academy can truly be. This mod im creating is set in present day Japan. I need a texture artist (with free time and talent like no other) to help with making the maps look beautiful, because we all know that architecture alone cannot complete the map.


If you are interested, please E-mail me at LL2604@comcast.net

Thank you for your time and consideration. I will inform those willing to help with more info on the story of the mod and plenty of screenshots of work done so far to understand what kind of textures I will be needing.


Thanks Again,

Crazy Ivan

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Just a question... WHY Jedi Academy?


I mean, there are plenty of good games (with good weapons) to mod a present-day mod off of. The only benefit Raven's Jedi games have is the lightsaber fighting... although not perfect, I'd say the best melee weapon fighting in common games.


So, even if you have beautiful textures and map architecture, what about weapons for the player, enemies, and NPCs?


I mean, not to bash your idea or plans for a mod, because it sounds really neat... but to make it complete requires alot of work, and many mods/TCs and the like end up fading into oblivion because they bit off more than they can chew. :(

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Yeah, like I wouldn't mind katana battling, at that would be relatively easy project.


But being set in modern-day Tokyo, it would be absurd to not have firearms in the game, which is pretty much impossible in JO/JA SP, since you can not create any new missiles for the guns to fire...


You could do some tricky things to simulate firearms, but it still wouldn't be that good, and it'd be a lot of work, as well. But, without any source code, and it won't come out for SP, since it didn't with Outcast, doing that stuff is next to impossible.


I just think, for something set around modern-day Earth, you'd be better off modding a game already in that setting.

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Crazy Ivan...have you just returned from the movies, after having seen "Kill Bill' for the 5th time..........


If you do ever get around to realising this dream, I would like to request an UMA skin, and LUCY LUI skin, both with bikini options...


How about feudal Japan, Ninja scroll type stuff..... ?




*goes off to play Dynasty Warrirors 4 on PS2*

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But honestly, ive decided to base the mod on this engine because of the skill ive acquired in using GtkRadiant. Ive known the program down to the neatest detail for about a full year now.


If you can name something to make using GtkRadiant...even the friggin Statue of Liberty...which would be absurd to make...I could do it. Im not one of those "Hey I just downloaded Radiant! Let me see how stupid I can make my first map" kind of person.


And honestly, I was planning on making it for weapons and so on. I just havent looked far enough into the future or recruiting a modeller or two, because I want to at least have a collection of maps and something to entice the modellers.


And if need be, since I just got 3Ds Max 6....I'll become immersed in the art of modelling...and maybe model the weapons and so on for the game itself.


On a side note for those wishing for Ninja Scroll or something of that sort, the first two levels of this mod are in downtown Tokyo. That does not in any way mean there wont be any trips to the rural parts of Japan. I wanted to start the mod in an urban environment for unconventionality and the fact that a million people have tried to create a ninja mod of some sort.

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That's my whole point - even if you can make a perfect map of an urban modern Tokyo, with perfect textures, you will just have modern-day Tokyo with Star Wars weapons.


Like said, I'm not bashing your ideas or anything, I'm just telling you, from what I know, why it would not work. For one thing, adding new weapons is more than just getting new weapon models - and many things to add/change weapons CAN NOT be done in Academy single player, unless the source code will be released - which I'd say the odds of that happening are next to nil.



I'm just saying, its more than the map, I mean go ahead if you want a modern Tokyo map, have a blast... but what's the point, if it's just got lightsabers and blasters?

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But being set in modern-day Tokyo, it would be absurd to not have firearms in the game, which is pretty much impossible in JO/JA SP, since you can not create any new missiles for the guns to fire...


I guess you never played Dragon Remix eh?


Just to prove it could be done: http://www.pcgamemods.com/2797/


WB Academy weapons test, a general test of adding the Dragon Remix weapons in JKA. 5 guns and 14 melee weapons for single player. Crazy_Ivan, feel free to use this, I'm no modeler but I can... uhm... 'tinker'.

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That little thing is pretty fun.


But it is still the same old missiles. Just a few workarounds that you can actually edit without code. But even still, you can do much more then that even.


Still, the "bullets" could still be watched crossing the room. :rolleyes:


It's 2:30 am and I got stuff to do... I would go more into it... actually kind of made me want to mess around with this stuff... I have some ideas to make these firearm emulations better. :D



As far as the topic project goes... well, I suppose this stuff would be workable to better complete the mod setting. But still remember not to bite off more than you can chew - knowing your way around the map editor isn't everything a mod is made of, you know. All I've been trying to say.

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Originally posted by idontlikegeorge

knowing your way around the map editor isn't everything a mod is made of, you know.


Personally I'd disagree, but I'm kinda biased. I alwaysed belived the JKO Blade mod died out because there were no SP maps and only one MP map made.

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A SP Mod is defined by well characters, gameplay, and atmosphere, so to speak.


I was asking for the texture artist to take the atmosphere portion of the mod out of the way. Then when I finished the mapping side of things, I would see if anyone would assist in coding for the gameplay and characters.


I was not trying to just focus on the maps, but as of right now it has the most priority.

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