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"Radically new" mapping idea


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I'm kidding about the radical part, or maybe this IS a radically new idea...


Ok, there are a lot of cool maps out there, for both Outcast and Academy. We've been to almost every location in the Star Wars universe, we've had Matrix maps, LOTR maps, castles, space stations, mining facilities, even some weird barnyard map. But I have yet to see maps that we, the people out here in the real world, can relate to. Personally, I am getting bored of all these exotic, larger than life maps. And I think maps set in real world would be a very interesting turn/change. Wouldn't it be cool to fight on world landmarks like a full scale Eiffel Tower or the Great Wall of China?


Other Ideas:

The Pyramids of Giza (Egypt)

The Golden Gate Bridge

On a skyscraper in Manhattan

A whole city block

YOUR local high school (I think my high school would make a pretty interesting map)

An urban street

Your own home (maybe)

St. Basil's Cathedral in Moscow (joking, or not)



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Originally posted by woodenstool

Whoa. I didn't see that forum down there. I'll post it again in there. But would that be considered spamming or should I just wait for a moderator to move this?


I would just wait but you should pm an active mod and get them to move it...

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Hey woodenstool,


Here's the first map I ever did. http://www.pcgamemods.com/1768/

I wish great map-making people would try to do things like this, because they'd probably be better at it. I've gotten better, but I'd be bored since I've tried already. Try it out. I did a Matrix version of it too. Took me a while, because I had to learn about bot routing half way in.

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