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Ulic Qel Droma's Mesh Armor! Where can I find it?

The Master Yoda

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the item does exist, as it can be spawned via the item codes. where you get it in-game, i do not know. i loved exar kun's light battle suit though.


i have seen alot of armor listed that i have yet to find in-game though. it may be because in having such a hard time playing the dark-side conscience-wise, that when i finally couldn't take it anymore and just rushed through the plot to see how it had changed after mastering the ds, i accidentally missed a few items. or it may be due to refusing rewards on the lightside. i know that there are items you can lose that way. if anyone finds where to get it in-game let us know. but the item does exist. (though it is butt-ugly):)

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