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Does the Jedis know what RP means?

Devil Doll

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I dunno if the same is happening in all the servers, last day I ws in rori trying to find a little cute squall as a pet just for a fun comment I made with someone, and then in my guildchat I read that 2 of the 3 jedis on scylla were fighting in coronet's starport, I finished (found my squall) and when i returned to coronet, they were still there fighting.


No words, no emotions, no mood no nothing, just fighting while a combat medic helped them, a rebel guy i talk with told me that that's what they do, they go to every starport and duel just to show they are jedis, and i think that's stupid, they should try to keep themselves away of the civilization since all the Imperials and BH will be trying to kill them, and they were really stupid being in coronet since there are lots of imperials and PAX people always hang around coronet, there are lots of BH that are already lined up to try to kill them, and with them showing they are jedis i think they just want to be dead, does they know this is a RPG after all and they will have problems with jedi TEFs?







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I've said just as much in a previous post but, I shall say it again. Jedi should be made fearful of being known, there should be huge finacial gain for hunting down and murdering these people. If they flip out their groovy little light sabres in public they should be stoned in the streets or be forced, excuse the pun, to make a hasty get away.

Vader hunted down and murdered them, it seems he's being more than a little slack if they're dualing in starports and generally chilling out about the place. Kill them devs, strike them down, before they can become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.

A few Yssalimeri (can't remember the spelling- but the things from the Timothy Zahn books with Thrawn etc, that stop the force) should sort things out for killing them, hand them around a big group of bounty hunters. See who duals in starports then!!!

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Speaking of Zahn's series... they should have vornskyrs in the game. For those of you who don't know what a vornskyr is, its a dog-like hunter that can be domesticated. It hunts with the force. Talon Karrde has two tamed ones in the books, they would be cool to have as a jedi's pet. The Ysalmari also live on the same planet, and they create a bubble around them where the force doesn't exist. It'd be cool to see both of these creatures introduced in upcoming patch.



/end offtopic rant

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I agree that Jedi showing off should warrent heavy imperial or BH punishment, but after peeking at the screenshots I'm more worried about the use of those bodysuits outside a casino...


The author of the Ctrl+Alt+Delete webcomic did a joke about becoming Force Sensitive during beta. Once he mentions he's become FS, the guy he was talking to scrams because Vader and Fett show up behind him.


I suppose this is unlikely, since there are quests and such that involve such NPCs staying put. On the other hand, it could provide one more reason for the jedi not to swing their lightsabers about in public; Imperials wanting to do the quests are bound to become annoyed when the Dark Lord is off hunting the showoffs, which might encourage them to help him with the task so they can get back to work.


It would help if there were more Imperials, of course. Not enough people want to wear the armor. If ya wanna kill stormtroopers, play Jedi Academy, dammit! :p

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I'm of the opinion that a Jedi should be a hardcore "one death and thats it" character. After that, your FS slot should be closed again, forcing you to re-open it all over again (though it might be a bit easier this time, with less to do).


Might sound harsh, but a lot more people would get a shot at being a Jedi that way. It'd also encourage people to kill Jedi's to make "room at the top" for anyone seeking to create an FS character. Of course, I reserve the option to change my mind completely about this, on the off chance that I ever actually BECOME a Jedi ;)

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jantje? thats a dutch name :p


man.. jedi.. they should have never made that reachable for ploayers....


i hate jedi games... its all about jedi.... but the jedi ddint destroy the deathstar... well the second anyway.. the jedi didnt take out a super star destroyer... the jedi didnt blow up the shield genertor...


stupi jedi

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I agree with this on one exception, what if you really want to become a Jedi yet you arent going to show off or anything you just want to be a one and have a lightsaber etc, to be different even? How come you should be slaughtered by everyone for that? i can understand the Imperials being after you but im not sure about everyone, if that happens then you may aswell just delete your character and start again? I dont have the game as yet but i am going to get it, so i dont understand the game stats etc, are Jedi way more powerful than normal characters and stuff or something? i just dont understand why everyone should be after them and hunting them down...


(Although, saying that, it does sound like fun! :rolleyes: )

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The sole reason I bought this game was to become a Jedi. I am willing to struggle through many profession and obsticles to reach that, but I would not have bought the game if it werent possible to become a Jedi. It SHOULD be reserved for the elite players, the ones who have played the game for several months, have mastered more than one profesion, and are willing to play a charector who will loose its stats when killed. IMO perma death isnt enough to discourage those who just want to be jedi just to show off. I want to be a Jedi to play the part, to fight the imperials covertly, and be wary and paranoid about bounty hunters. The Jedi TEF should be easier to trip, IMHO, the second you pull a lightsaber out you should be TEFed. If you even have it in your hand you should be given a TEF to all players and NPC's that see you, save for your faction. Jedi in this time period are hunted, as such they should NOT be in spaceports dueling infront of dozens of player charectors and NPC's alike.

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Temporary Enemy Flag


That means that if you are doing Imp/rebel missions and attack a player or NPC from the opposite faction, you get "a flag" and any overt member fromt he oposite faction can attack you and try to kill you, without TEFs the only form someone from the opposite faction can attack you is Dueling.


I really like this game cause you are a nomal character, you can have many professions but you don't start being a Jedi, I agree with Jan, if you want to be a jedi, then play KOTOR or Jedi knight or any other game that you start being a jedi.


you don't need to become a jedi to master multiple professions, you don't need to be a jedi to be feared and considered as someone special, what you do is what makes you a special character, I'm just a novice pistoleer 0/0/0/0 (that's my highest skill) and just have one month playing full time because I had my computer back, and my PA knows about me cause what I do IC, I'm more respected than some people that are going to reach Master BH.


I think SOE should consider about these jedis...

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MHO (my humble opinion for Lord Haine) stems from the time period in which SWG (star wars galaxies) is set. Between epsisode IV and V if I'm correct. This is a time period when the Jedi as an order are long, long gone. Murdered by Vader. The empire are also mightely p'd off by the fact that the rebel alliance have just blow up their new toy. The result being a tightening of the Iron Fist which grips the galaxy, lots of bounty hunters tracking down rebels, imperial probe droids scouting out plannets, storm troopers rifling through rubbish bins and roughing people up. Any new Jedi that pop up at this time are going to need to be mightly scared. Vader feels you in the force. What's he going to do, wait until you get big and strong? No, he's gonna send a big bad bounty hunter (like Boba Fett) to kill you while you're just a pup.

I know this isn't going make the playing experience easy for these fledgling jedi, but these guys have already made a rough, tough, all singing, all dancing, all cooking(?) character and have been around the block a few times whilst unlocking the FS slot. They know the game, they have a network of friends (no doubt high powered).


We've all gone back to the start of a game after finishing it and found parts that were once hard easy, because you're experienced, you know the tricks. These guys (and dolls) wanting to be Jedi will be experienced, well supported, they'll know where to go and what to do. They should also know what not to do.


I think if you want to play at lightsabres you should be prepared for a rough time. Like a "real" Jedi would be having.

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Sorry Jan i wont double post again,

Wow, thanks for putting it all so simply Feyd, and yes, i am abit slow lol, no i just dont know much about the game speak etc about shortening stuff so you know i have to ask but i wont be a retard like that again, i understand it all now, thanks everyone, and espiaccely Feyd for putting it all so simply :D

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There are so many games out there that let you play as a Jedi, why should Galaxies, the most immersive Star Wars game available, allow you to do so when it so clearly violates the timeframe of the game? One or two Jedi I can see, but there should only ever be that many. I'm afraid the Devs are going to cave in to pressure from the gaming community and make Jedi more easily attainable (likely once subscriptions start to lapse) which will really screw up the believability of the game for me. I already have big issues with the use of pets in the game--there are WAY too many people running around cities with Rancors following in their wake. It just seems excessive to me.


What the Devs ought to do is hang tough for a few more months, no matter how much people may complain about how hard it is to attain Jedi status, then release another version of the game--I think that was the logic behind the subtitle 'An Empire Divided' as a means of establishing the 'Episode' setting as being between IV and V. The new game would be very easy to construct--the worlds and the geography of the cities, etc would be largely unchanged. But you change up the NPCs, the quests, and the availability of Jedi chars and set the new game during the Clone Wars or even post-ROTJ when Jedi would be more common. That way the people who like the classic period could continue to play the Jedi-free An Empire Divided while the powergamer Jedi wannabes could go hang out on the other game. I'd likely subscribe to both.


My dream game would be a new build of SWG with all different worlds, set during the Tales of the Jedi era, with archaic lightsabers, Sith running around and that weirdly-cool medieval Star Wars look the comics had. I would love that!!!

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Originally posted by Lord Haine

Sorry Jan i wont double post again,

Wow, thanks for putting it all so simply Feyd, and yes, i am abit slow lol, no i just dont know much about the game speak etc about shortening stuff so you know i have to ask but i wont be a retard like that again, i understand it all now, thanks everyone, and espiaccely Feyd for putting it all so simply :D

I'm sure many here will double post again. I do it myself from time to time. :)


Sometimes you just can't help it because the site get's screwed up at times. Hell, I didn't see it myself but I've heard of a person that managed to do a double times 10 replies (22 posts) once. :D


But you do have the option to delete those extra posts, and this person did that. :) That way I don't have to do it and I can use my time more effectivelly to skim over the posts and get back to playing SWG. :D


And never be afraid to ask, you'll learn quicker that way. :)

Don't do like I and wait till someone brings it up. :p



*IC: As of the Jedi in SWG, I've seen 2 already in Theed on Starsider within a few hours, and that's 2 too many, atleast that public.

Both were reported to the local authorities, but without confirmation they can't lay their hands on them I'm afraid.

See poster in attachment


*IC=In Character ;)

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I dont see why you guys have to get so mad about this whole jedi thing. It's a f'ing game jesus christ. You wanna become a jedi and duel in front of a starport go ahead who cares. Who cares if there are not many jedi in this time period, everything doesn't have to be totally exact IT'S A F**KING GAME geez. Star Wars without Jedi's is like toast without peanut butter, it's bad. If you think about it it's pretty damn hard to become a jedi so just leave it alone f**k.

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naossoan even that you used *** in the words you can write what you want to say without writing rude words, you can be an intelligent person and talk in an appropiate form.


This is a SWG forum, we say what we think about the things that happen in the game, and In the game, there are some Jedis and Siths, so the SWG is not a game without force sensitive characters.


we say what we think cause SWG is a very good ROLE PLAY GAME: what means that if you are a Jedi, you should ROLE PLAY your character and act knowing you are in a certain period of time where the Jedis are not allowed, that Lord Vader is asking to all the BH and Imperial aligneds to kill and destroy any Jedi they find.


that's what we think is not good from those Jedi Characters to be running to every city showing they are jedis.


If you are a little bit smart you can write a comment like:


"I don't know why you are so mad, if they want to do that, let them be, SW needs to have at least one Jedi..."


do you see? a normal sentence.

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I see your point but it still kind of agrivates me. The game is supposedly an RPG but not really i mean who actually does what they're supposed to. people just gain XP to kill other things and that's their main obcjective, at least what I've seen. Myself I have a broad aray of skills those being: artisan, pistoleer, scout, creature trainer and I enjoy it and try to have fun with it. I only got the game on friday and I have not yet done a PvP cause I'll prolly get my but kicked. I am interested in going in a big Rebel vs. Imperial war though that would be kinda cool.


I do see your point of how Jedi are scarce during this time but what's it matter? If a player has been able to unlock a FSC and have actually spent the huge amount of time it takes to become a jedi, don't you think that's enough of an accomplishment to flaunt? Cause I think it is. If they are just dualing with their buddy to show off and arent killing people for no reason I don't see any harm in that.


If I manage to become a jedi master sure im gunna flaunt it, but i certainly won't just go around killing people for no reason as you guys said some are doing, that, I think is wrong...unless they're fighting for the right cause....like a jedi killing imperials and a sith killing rebels...but even then i dont really think they should be picking someone out of a crowd that may not even have any combat skills such as an entertainer or artisan or something. they should be targetting the higher up people like master bounty hunters, jedi's of the opposite faction, large rebel/imperial NPC (or player city) bases...you know, stuff like that, not just some n00b that happens to be in their path of destruction.....


I didn't swear yay! :p

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