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Texture problem

Jedi Luke

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Alright, i've just finished my latest jedi outcast map (yes there are leaks to the void in the map, but this is beside the point) and it is compiled and ready to go. All Icarus scripts for cutscenes, musicset, credits and objectives are all correct just to let you know. I've gone to devmap *mymapname* and during the loading progress, it exits the program and the dos screen (the one that comes up when the game starts) displays this error message:

R_CreateImage: textures/isdhanger/hangerwallposttex2 dimensions (328 x 245) not power of 2!


I've used JO textures (although i have modified some of the textures in photoshop to meet purposes of my map). Now i am certain its not the leaks causing this and i cant be bothered thinking about what this means and gone wrond. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

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