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What hope for Galaxies?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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wth you get 1 patch per month?! crap....at planetside we get like 1 in 1/2 weeks (bug fixes and probably 1 small new feature)...tomorrow they're merging servers (we got 5 servers now we'll have 3) because there arent many players...now thats 1 major update....

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DMUK: I have 512MB of some of the best ram you can get. The ram is not the problem. 'Tis my video card. My cousin is running a Radeon 9600 Pro and he says he doesnt get any chopping when he goes into town.


Also, I dont see what you guys are talking about the mount problems? I've never seen any problems with the mounts...they don't make me lag or anything...no more than usualy anyway.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Mounts have created all sorts of problems. They fixed something yesterday to do with mounts and they also claimed to have fixed what they call 'warping' - bascially when you can exit the gaming world into an area with no textures or anything.


I found it yesterday..so much for the fix



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I agree with u naossoan.


I havent experienced any trouble with mounts.


Could this be server specific????. DM have u tried different servers?. (I know its a hassle switching to another server with all the character building involved but it seems to me that this could be the case?.


Any toughts on this?

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

... this month, giving it just 72% and in a very honest review I have to say.


Theres no doubt that Galaxies is the best looking out of all the online games but even they struggled to run it well with a 3.2 gig top of the line PC.


They go on to say that its a missed affair but given time, could be the best ...




A 3.2 gig and they had a hard time? Uh... ok? I got a P4 2.5GHz and a 256MB Geforce FX5900 Ultra, 1024MB RAM also a pretty top of the line PC and I can play the game almost everything set to the top! I even have all the shadow options turned on and I can still play it smooth. I have a res of 1280x1024. And when I say ALMOST all set to the top it means that I could set the graphs to max if I wanted to and still be able to play pretty smooth, but it would maybe be a bit enoying on some places where it is alot of details.

Ok... it is not smooth when I am in a City with my current settings and there is alot of ppl moving around on the screen.


PC Gamer in sweden gave the game 90% and that was from a gamer that have played the game over three month before it came to EU.


I'm not defending the games bugs. I got the enoying bug that missions don't appear when they suppose to. But other then that the game runs fine.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I set up a character on a euro server and it made no difference. Ping was almost the same as well.


Today, they have claimed to have fixed the Vendor problems and will credit those who have lost stuff..time will tell.


Exiting the gaming world (warping as they call it) is an unforgiveable bug in any game. On all consoles, all games are tested heavily (hundreds of gaming hours) to find these exits and ensure that they dont make it to the final game. Otherwise, the game fails their test procedure.


The PC has not standard so these things can get through with a ' we can fix it when we feel like it' attitude.


the only thing I can say that has seen a vast improvement are the down times and the time it can take you to log back in. At weekends, it used to take upto 4 hours after the shut down, just to log back on. Then it would take another hour to retrieve stuff off vendors/bazzar. This seems to be fixed - My first and probably only, thumbs up! ;-)



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I was editing this text in my previous post, at the same time DMUK have answered so I put this in its own post.

So this text is connected to my other post in this thread.


And the text was/is:


"And you DMUK... I know you play the game because of the comun. But is it worth to pay money just for that detail? And how much do you take part of the community if you can't even log on. Doesn't make sense. Why not put the money on a game you really can play and a game you think are better then SWG? And there must be one for you since you seem to hate SWG so much. Is the community so good it is worth the money? I say, go out and have fun and get some laugh instead of sitting around being angry over a game you can't play.

I play the game and I have fun. Would I have your problems I would skip the community."

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I have been reluctant to play SWG again since I've deactivated my account. I'm thinking I'll wait a while. After all, only time will tell where the game goes. Maybe the game will improve or it will suck more. Eitherway I'm not wasting money on it til I see ****loads of improvements.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Just to answer Tats question.


Im a huge star wars fan, depending on how you look at it, i even was roaming the planet when Episode 4 came out in 1977! Ive been hooked since then. Empire Strikes back being my ultimate movie. Its evil, dark and just brilliant.


So when i heard about Galaxies, i was over the moon. I loved playing Rebellion/Supremacy for a long while, the community was great and that is the key to a game online. A good strong community.


Lucasarts have realised this and appointed a Community Specialist and companies here in the UK are also doing the same. The same thing happened with Galactic Battlegrounds and I run the website for LFN and have done for almost 3 years.


When i do play, i have made alot of in game friends - which is the key to good success in game. I run one of the busiest stores on Tatooine on Eclipse and I do my part to help. I have taken nOObs and set them up....sponsored a couple of noobs in return for advertising my store and generally do my part.


I love that side of the game.


But the other side is that of instability, bugs that can cripple a player and a support team lacking in ideas of where Galaxies should go next. With all that history of Star Wars, there is so much more they can do, even in the timeline of the movie.



This year, I have been waiting for 3 games.

1) Championship Manager 4

2) Star Wars Galaxies

3) Rome: Total War.


Championship Manager 4 (football/soccer management and the biggest selling brand in the UK) was full of some unforgiveable bugs. The community was not happy. The game was rushed and released early and when i found out about the bugs that they knew about but didnt bother to fix, i decided to return it.


Rome Total war has slipped into next year, so leaving Galaxies as the next best thing to cure my Star Wars gaming fix. Im not a lover of jedi knight series...unless its online (community again)


So you can imagine my shock and horror when in the '30 day trial' the game didnt launch once. After 30 days and £400 later, (new graphics card - nvidia geforce3 64 mb to an Ati Radeon 128 9800 pro) it still didnt work.


Then i see a post on the official forum telling me to check my settings on the smartguard. Sony tech support...what support. They blamed my NEW ram to make sure it had the same serial number - lame. Anyway, checked my settings and bingo! It worked.


Ever since then, I have been dogged with crashing, more so when i travel. However, theres days when it can be fine. I really want Galaxies to be a decent game but currently its far from it.


Content is lacking, there is no real star wars feel about the game at all. When i see Stormtroopers, i think...cool..more of this please.


The pvp is flawed and there seems to be less and less battles going on then there was 4 months ago (maybe the new insurance thing has something to do with this) and there seems to be a general lack of ideas and direction for the game.


For those who keep posting 'my game works fine' great! But i suggest you check out the Tech Support forums first before posting a reply to this message.


People WANT to play Galaxies. Like me, I bought it to play. But when you click launch, you have no idea how many times it can take you. It could be once, it could be 30. Thats not good enough.


There is certainly a problem with the client (if not, why have they tried and failed to fix it with this silly full scan). Galaxies is the game ive been waiting for and i want to play it until it vanishes.


But games publishers, including the one i work for, must not be allowed to make games in such a lazy way, especially when bugs involve losing stock or money. Ive lost 2 million worth of stock in total thanks to the 14 vendor bug - why didnt they check this? Any fool would have found it.


Im lucky im in a position where it doesnt hurt me too much but for some new guy, it could have put them out of business and the game in the trash.


I play games that have a good community and have done since 1998 and i intend to keep that going, no matter how much and moaning I have to do.


Remember, I do chat with Lucasarts and mention to them about the problems and lack of help and they promise they are onto this. Ive seen a huge improvement on the server, its more reliable and thats a step in the right direction, if a slow one..



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DMUK... Thanks I red everything you wrote and I do understand now why you battleing. I say, keep up the good work and keep pushing Lucas more and more. If I could e-mail them and tell them some things I would have done it too. Even if I don't have very much problems with the game it doesn't mean that I don't want the little stuff (sometimes bigger stuff) that don't work to work.

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My question: Should I buy this?


I want the MMORPG experience (never played one). But is it worth it to start with this one? I see only problenm after problem. I'm prob older than most of you and have a family and such so I'll def probably be a more casual player. Is SW Galaxies a good first MMORPG? If not what is?

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Galaxies can be hard work for the casual player. Wait for World Of Warcraft - they will teach Sony how to create a proper online experience.



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Originally posted by onew0rd

My question: Should I buy this?


I want the MMORPG experience (never played one). But is it worth it to start with this one? I see only problenm after problem. I'm prob older than most of you and have a family and such so I'll def probably be a more casual player. Is SW Galaxies a good first MMORPG? If not what is?


Heh, the main reason why ppl see only the problems in the forums is because ppl are just saying something when there is a problem. They never say anything when everything is fine. Thats why it seems that most games always have problems and no good sides. But thats the way it is.

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lol @ SWG....Sony's mind isnt on SWG...its on planetside...in the last week we had 2 or 3 bug-fix patches and some FPS improvements....DMUK looking for a game with huge battles, great community and still Sony made?


Try planetside...ive been playing it since the beta and it has almost no bugs (there are some but VERY minor bugs, you wont even notice them)...the game has no lack of players and almost nobody is complaining about the game...the only problem is that its a FPS game...you fight till a certain 'level' then you have nothing else to gain exept kills...yes of course you can make more characters...there are 3 servers and you can have 8 characters each...try planetside....

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I will not be buying anything again that says 'SOE' on the label and my views are almost that of Lucasarts, unless they release a decent SW RTS to take me away from this pain! hehe



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Originally posted by Matri00

...there are 3 servers and you can have 8 characters each...try planetside....


I have tried it and I didn't like it. It is always the same thing and it is ONLY this thing: "Wake up" at your base, gather the gear you need or/and vehicle, go to enemy base. Take over the enemy base and then leave. If that what you want... play battlefield with no month charge. But... I don't like battlefield either...

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Theres dozens of bugs in Galaxies. Its very shoddy work. Almost 3 years in development and this is the best they can do. Makes me laugh.


I have finally seen the light and quit the game and will wait for the next real Star Wars game next year.



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

I have finally seen the light and quit the game and will wait for the next real Star Wars game next year.




Next year? What SW game is that? It is not a MMORPG is it? What is it called? Don't think I've heard of any more big real game of SW to come next year.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

When i say 'real' Star Wars game...i actually mean a game to do with Star Wars and has a proper SW theme.


As for the new game(s)...you are gonna have to wait for the official annoucements ;-)



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

When i say 'real' Star Wars game...i actually mean a game to do with Star Wars and has a proper SW theme.


I've heard Knights of The Old Republic have the real SW feeling. I haven't tried it my self, but I've heard it as "it" Thats an offline RPG but maybe it is what you are looking for. I donno. Or do you really badly want a SW MMORPG.

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