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kotor request


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hi, im am requesting for 3 kotor characters,


the first character im requesting is darth malak


second character im requesting is bastila, but when she was in the darkside, with the dark jedi suits.


and my last, is darth revan, but knowing that no one really knows what the lord of the sith really looks like, im requesting him, with his robe and mask on, for those that have played kotor, knows how he looks, when they show the minny movie of his dreams, and hes about to fight bastila when he gets blown up, but, its not that dificult to make for you expert modelers


il make it much simple in describing revan, make revan, with his original revan robe, found in the star forge, just ad a black hood, with a cape, and the face hide it lwith the dark mask that he had on, lol if i knew how to model my slef i would have it done, but please anyone help thanxs

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