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EMI concept art


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so I'm sure this stuff has all been mentioned before so i apologize ahead of time. But it was just today (out of sheer boredom) that i decided to look carefully at all of the EMI concept art. Being and art major in college all i can say is wow! Some of this stuff is amazing. With such spectactular animators and sketch artists why in gods name did lucas art go and junk up this game using the 3d engine. With what computers are now capable of screw the 3d graphics instead they should have went with a super hi res CMI like look. Imaging what could have been done with the colors. I mean just looking at the black and white concept art there is so much depth. I believe full heartedly if this game were to have been made like this it would have been one of the most praised games of the year! If only lucas arts could go back and re-do the game. We all know that wont happen

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You never know. George DID decide that Star Wars wasn't good enough and that it needed some cheep computer graphics and hokey musical numbers to bring it back to life. Just our luck if they ever do redo EMI the best we'll get is some extra scenes with Hugo dressed in drag loving-up the electric sea cow set to the tune of "Back on the Train" by Phish.

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