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Insurance & decay - has it stopped you in pvp?

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Im noticing less and less battles on the Eclipse server. A few months ago hords of rebels and imperials would fight for hours. Now, a group of 2 or 3 run riot because no one wants to get involved due to the insurance thing.


So is it a good idea or bad idea? Apart from letting a decent developer take over the game, how can SOE improve things here? PvP (Player vs Player) has turned out not to be what was promised. Post your ideas and views



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I actually pvp more now because I have finally got all the skills I want. There were about 6 of us rebels overt last night in moenia<-- spelling?

Two overt imps walked right up to us. I got one with eye shot and the other with stopping shot. I incaped both of them while the other rebels were standing around not paying attention. I thik the only people who do big pvp raids now is pa's. I went out with echo and another pa the other night. We went outside moenia and destroyed some imp turrets. Was the coolest thing I have ever seen. About 50 overt rebels running across naboo on their kaadus. Moenia and bestine/anchorhead seems to be the best place to pvp on starsider now. But I did notice more pvp before the insurance/decay thing. I don't think it's the insurance but the decay is what gets most people. I can grab two missions on endor and get 30k so the insurance is no problem. But if your items are insured they shouldot decay at all. I think the only items which should decay are the armor and weapons and only when you take damage. My 140k krayt composite chestplate is already down to like 80% and I just bought it the end of last week:(

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I must admit to not doing much PvP so far. I've only been overt in Corellia a coupla times, because I soon learned I HATE getting shot when I'm just getting from A to B, listening to the band in the cantina or healing people in the medcenter.


Bloody rebels. No manners at all. :p


On the other hand, it can be said that if you're gonna run around overt, you should expect to be shot at, sooner or later. In the JK series it's considered good manners not to attack someone if their lightsaber is switched off. Perhaps there should be similiar informal modes of behaviour here...


Once I got some good marksman skills going I found it easy to get enough credits to not have any concerns over the price of insuring items. Whenever you get something you want to keep in good condition, head straight for the cloning facility; and hope you don't get shot on the way there.

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I agree with what most is being said. I haven't seen much pvp because of the decay lately either. I think the best solution would be to make it so that if your items are insured, they wont decay at all when you die. It wouldn't be as big of a change as going removing insurance again, and most people don't have a problem paying the ~1000 credits each time.

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Originally posted by Trahern Valley

In the JK series it's considered good manners not to attack someone if their lightsaber is switched off.

LOL No it's not! It's considered "being stupid." If you run around overt that means you want to fight. I'm assuming that's why they have COVERT and OVERT. If you are covert you can't randomly get attacked or attack. If you are overt you can right? Don't want to get shot don't be overt.....:rolleyes:


Originally posted by Trahern Valley

Perhaps there should be similiar informal modes of behaviour here...

OBVIOUSLY you don't understand the simple idea the Devs had. Let me break it down for you. Covert means "I'm chatting and the lightsaber is off." Overt means "I'm wanting a fight and my lightsaber is on."


If you go to a FFA JK game server? That means you want to fight. nothing in FFA means "stand around and chat." If you stand around hoping someone doesn't kill you? That is just lame. :o

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I could repeat what I recently learned about the may-be-interpreted-as-flamage posts (though I never actually implied anyone was stupid or lame), or the not-so-funny-use-of-the-rolleyes-emoticon...


Instead I shall mention that I don't go to JK FFA servers, because I'm more interested in a good lightsaber duel than a bodycount. I tend to put those who attack someone while their lightsaber's off in the same group as spawncampers and such. Rebels who shoot me in the back while I'm at the bank terminal bug me in the same way. But then, my fellow imperials not coming to my aid also bugs me. I guess I was just an easy target at the time. No roleplaying anything out, just deathblow me for a few faction points, why don't you.


Perhaps there's a wider issue to be brought up here about finding the balance between roleplaying in the SW universe and playing a computer game, but I'm not about to go into it until I join a PA and get some actual RPing done for myself.


In closing, I invite the Hammer to swing both ways.

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Strangley, I am Overt but do not engage in PVP. I devote almost all my skill to Artisan classes, so I have almost no combat skills. Without troops in guard mode, going after resources would mean multiple trips to the cloning center on a daily basis.

The only real problem with PVP in the game is that most people who actively engage in it do so without rhyme or reason; with no good RP motivation for their attacks. The "I'm a rebel Commando and you are an Imp Chef , So I'm gonna hit you with a flamethrower and run away" atitude is annoying, yes. But I just ignore it, clone and go back to overt as soon as they are gone. Mindless PVP is a little boring to me, and pointless as that does not have any REAL effect on the war: they will just clone afterall and be right back. It is a cheap way for combat characters to be bullies and get some minor FP's. Whoopie, big deal, you killed me... and then I'm back to my routine.


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I used to PvP whenever I got the chance, just standing around covert and some aggro would start, I'd usually do my best to get a TEF and run infront of an imp waving my arms around.. Attack Me!!!!


Now, with the insurance and decay I consider my equipment more valuable than 2 minutes of battle then death. I'm a PvE player above anything so PvP was just a bit of fun now and then. Not anymore :(


The introduction of the decay system has had the complete opposite effect on PvP to what the devs wanted.

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Originally posted by Cosmos Jack

OBVIOUSLY you don't understand the simple idea the Devs had. Let me break it down for you. Covert means "I'm chatting and the lightsaber is off." Overt means "I'm wanting a fight and my lightsaber is on."Actully when you are doing missions for Faction point one looks overt. I see that has changed with the TEF we get now. I do not know how this looks to the other side but I am guessing not everyone that has a tag wants to PVP. I know I have been hit by REBs hidden in buildings or behind faction mission bases. They will attack you when you are busy with the faction MOBS and



tagged . Normailly you are not ready for the commando flame or eye shots when attacking newbee faction missions. Now, it is not so bad because I hunt at the 32+ lvl missions, but when i was new, imagine having to fight a commando as a novice marksman. That is just wussy on the commandos part.

All is fair in love and war but, when you get to choose your battles. The battles you chose define the type of warrior you are...

I noticed a chief getting capped by the otherside. I notice now that people do not broadcast their highest skill. You will see some guy saying he wants to dual to test a new skill or does not want to walk all the way home and find out he is a master tka and just wanted to kill you for fun. I do not know if he even gets faction points for this or is just an butt hole. I have see this alot and the part about the person not wanting to go all the way home happen to me. I was IMP and he was a REB. Im a smuggler so I help who ever needs it. Slicing and drug money is the same no matter who side it comes on. It did cause me to raise my prices now for sliciing Reb items now. For every action there is a reaction. The truth is .... dumb stuff happen because there are lots of real people on line that do real people things. I still see lots or nice people on line. Thank goodness.


D'oh, the origanal thread. I fight less because I blow chucks as a pistol wealding smuggler / pistoleer, I get schooled without the benifits of aspestos underware and no doc in site. I now have master CH so I may make more of an effort to have with My guild in battles but I have gotten rid of most of my personal forture climbing the ladder to smuggler. Making it hard to replace many items. Insurance is high also 4 to 5k for kits I travel with never know when you will get capped behind the head doing faciton missions. I had to buy moleculer clamps to slice stuff 100% and they are not cheap. and you do not care at starting slicing. Thats why I give low prices for my guild members that want to be smugglers and free slices for the newbees because they never have money.

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I think is was done to help the crafting people in the future. also to get rid of all the extra money in the game.

By insurance and you lose only 1% on your item. No ins. lose 5% (?). this is pvp and regular death. Nothing happens if you are incap. only if you get cloned do you lose in decay.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally posted by guyvii

I think is was done to help the crafting people in the future. also to get rid of all the extra money in the game.

By insurance and you lose only 1% on your item. No ins. lose 5% (?). this is pvp and regular death. Nothing happens if you are incap. only if you get cloned do you lose in decay.

I can see where it helps the artisans and crafters, but can also hurt them. I am alot less likely to spend big money on nice stuff, if it is going to just waste away on me.

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Originally posted by kdubby

I can see where it helps the artisans and crafters, but can also hurt them. I am alot less likely to spend big money on nice stuff, if it is going to just waste away on me.


I think the good stuff cost too much anyway. We have been around a long time but newer players should be able to buy nice stuff too. Not just people with tight connections or got access to explotes.

I was playing during the day shift over the holiday and could not beleve when 2 fellow imps that were TKA's would not give any ideals how they made TKA. I read the boards so know much of the ways but they were saying that there where too many and would not help. One was whining about how everyone wanted to be a tka but when he was starting there was only a few.

As if I have a choice. my cube says TKA master. I am a pistoleer/ smuggler / ch. pistol as a weapon bites but is great for running a and shooting. as if I would let a tka hit me after I bleed his butt.

I was supprised. the other was just quite and said to ask the other person.

I help people as a smuggler. so they can have fun and try diffrent things. I hope this is not normal for day shift people. The night shift people are much more friendly. Who knows. maybe it was just a kid and his sister playing.

In the old way newbee armorsmiths could not sell armor. I bet you would not touch anyting below 50% resis.

The money must flow just like our cloths need to be bought every so offten. The big priced armor smiths will shift the prices as needed .

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