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I have a question about droids, what droids can you all have. Can you own any battle droids of any type? I've seen screen shots of the shielded battle droids that you see in episodes I & II (the ones that roll) and I'm curious if you can own those at all or if the only ones you can own are R2's mouse droids and the like. Are there any droids you can own that can decently fight?

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  • 2 weeks later...

all the droids you want but..... you can only use on at a time.

The droidekas were 10k ham and only MOBS, not for you. the probot is the best for fighting and the post 'fixed" only have like 810 ham and do not do alot of damage.

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.... i dont think we will ever see realy BATTLE droids like the droideka. the only time i ever see a droideka when its either broken down next to a DE. or attacking me while im on Lok :)


like the man said. the probedroid are the only ones that fight. (and they suck at that :))

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  • 3 weeks later...

To correct an error that was stated above about having as many droids as you want... You can only own 5 in your datapad.


And I'm very excited about the upcoming changes to DE. I'm a master DE on tatooine, starsider and I'm starting to get sick of only building walking (rolling?) crafting stations and medical modules. I also hope something is done about the seeker droid "bug." From what I've been told by the bounty hunters in my guild, they never get used up despite showing only 10 uses. It would also be nice to be able to make some droids that would make better tanks for people who don't have any creature handling skills.

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