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"Hybrid" models


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I was just curious on what program I can use to load up player GLM's and copy/paste stuff. For instance, I'd like to paste Trandoshan hands/head/legs onto the jed_hm body. I'm assuming this can be done with Milkshape or GMax. I know that they have to be weighted in Max, but I figured that if I could get the model done, then send it to someone else to weight, that would work. Can Milkshape or GMax edit the mesh so it can be sent to someon who has 3DSMax to re-weigh it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

So what program is needed?


I was wondering if you needed anything other than textpad. In modveiw you can turn certain bodyparts off, and we know the models can be cut up in-game, so since they are bassed on the same skeleton, could i say take a rodian, turn off his own hands and give him the trandoshan's?

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