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Conquer the Galaxy - SWGB2

Darth Windu

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Bad gameplay? Bad gameplay? What game have you been playing? That's this game's greatest attribute. Sure, a may not be original or have good graphics (sounds a lot like RoN, doesn't it?), but it has a great game design and well thoughtout gameplay and balance (ok, there goes the RoN similarities). But then again, you have shown again and again that you have no concept or appreciation for balance and gameplay. As for the second point, Gameplay>Realism.

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You know, when SWGB2 comes out... god willing, Windu will STILL find something to bitch about and 3 hours after it's released and Windu loses to the comp on easy, he'll be posting new threads about what SWGB3 should entail! :p You just can't please some people.

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FroZ - i'm afraid you've missed the point. I'm not saying that SWGB2 will be all politics. All im saying is that a HOMEWORLD is a POLITICAL center and not a MILITARY one. Take the USA for example. Washington DC is the capital of the USA because it is it's political center. Now do you understand?


PBguy - and once again, left with nothing intelligent or useful to say, pbguy resorts to insults. How sad...

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Actually, Windu, I think that the insults have much truth behind them. You are displeased with this game for some un-substantiated reasons, and it seems that, unless the new RTS followed your plans verbatim (which will never happen, especially if LA wants to maintain credability and good sales), you will be displeased with that game, and will go on imagining your fantasy one.

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Sith - i have explained what i think SWGB's flaws are before, and dont see the need to do so again.


As for SWGB2, i really dont care if LA doesnt use any of my idea's, all i want is for the game to be fun and acturately reflect the battles of the Star Wars universe.

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Froz - are you joking? If you're an american, you should be ashamed of yourself. Why is it that you think the Brit's attacked and sacked DC during (i think) the war of 1812?


Why do you think that WW2 ET ended when Berlin was taken?


Why do you think that France fell after Paris was taken?


BTW with your other comments, what 'game of the month' are you talking about, and what '3 templates before this one'?

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No windu im not a war junky like yourself and dont spend countless hours watching we were soldiers or black hawk down. Windu you are like a pop up full of garbage and never goes away


Lets just hope any Lucas representation sees these flames and totally ignores his ideas :cool:

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lol, actually i've only seen each of those films once each - and both have numerous errors in them, but that's for another time.


The point is Froz, that DC was attacked because it was the center of US political power, and so your attempted point is moot. The whole reason that capitals are attacked is to knock that nation out, hence the capital system in my idea for SWGB2.

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Ok, gonna take a Star wars example, putting EU aside.


Theed was taken, was the war over? No.


Yavin 4 was taken, did the Rebels surrender? No.


So in Theory, the Rebels' homeworld can be conquered but they'll simply jump to another planet and that's it, there's no way to actually beat them.


Your CtG would work is all the factions were actual "nations" but a resistance movement isn't one. Therefore, the Rebels do not have a "political center" like anyone else but military bases.

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Luke - actually Naboo did fall. "We are in complete control of the planet now" and "Viceroy, we have captured the Queen" - "ah, victory!"


Yeah, that doesnt sound like the TF winning does it? The fact is, regardless of whether leaders escape or not, the planet/city will still be held by the invading force. Besides luke, how else do you propose knocking out civs?


With the Rebels, they kept moving from base to base, and so really their capital was Home 1 - although of course for CtG we cant have that.


Vostok - of course, because Geonosis was a MILITARY center, not a POLITICAL center!

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Ummm.........Windu, as an American, I'd like to point out that we continued fighting both in the Revolution (when Philly was taken) and the war of 1812 (when DC was taken) and ended up winning one and tying the other. Capitals don't mean much. Its mostly symbolic more than anythnig.

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luke - you do remember that the TF still exists under Gunray's control at the end of ep2 right?


sith - i am aware of that. But as you love to expouse, gameplay > realism. There needs to be a way to knock civ's out of CtG, capturing their capital seems to be the best way to do it.

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Nute Gunray was still at the head of the Trade Federation because Sidious manipulated the Supreme Court. He would have been thrown to jail if not so. Sidious still needed him for the Separatist movement.


During the Spanish civil war, the Republican still fought after Madrid was taken by Franco's forces. In the end, they lost but they still fought after the fall of the spanish capital.


Japan surrendered after the two nukes were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, not because Tokyo had fallen.

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luke - in the Spanish civil war, the Republican's were being propped up by numerous international forces.


Also, in WW2, Tokyo never fell. The Japanese Emporer surrended because of the threat of more US nuclear raids.


With the TF, where in the films does it say that? The whole supreme court thingy in Ep2 seems to me to be an indication of the impotence of the Republic, which of course led to the seperatists and the Clone War.

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

1-luke - in the Spanish civil war, the Republican's were being propped up by numerous international forces.


2-Also, in WW2, Tokyo never fell. The Japanese Emporer surrended because of the threat of more US nuclear raids.


3-With the TF, where in the films does it say that? The whole supreme court thingy in Ep2 seems to me to be an indication of the impotence of the Republic, which of course led to the seperatists and the Clone War.


1-Your point is?


2-Thus capturing the capital isn't the only way to defeat an opponent. Thank you for helping my point.


3-Nowhere. This is an assumption. Nute Gunray was obviously guilty, even the worst tribunals in the world would have condemned him. However, I believe he stayed free because of Sidious who probably persuade a few juges to let him free.

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1. That their resources and much of their forces were being supplied from outside Spain, hence holding the capital was unnecessary.


2. Tokyo had, however, been destroyed by the time of the nuclear attacks.


3. Obviously this tribunal didnt condem him.



In terms of CtG, am i to assume then that rather then defeating a civ by taking the capital system, you would rather have to take every system that that civ has in their possetion?

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Originally posted by Darth Windu

In terms of CtG, am i to assume then that rather then defeating a civ by taking the capital system, you would rather have to take every system that that civ has in their possetion?


Why not? In RM you have to wipe out every last unit and building unless your opponent resigns. The way I see it, CTG will basically be RM but on a grand strategic scale. As FFA will be inherently "unrealistic" in terms of the combinations of civs it allows (which I don't have a problem with as it's the same as RM) why not just have each player start on a random planet?

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