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trivial clothing question

Darth MarcII

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I am assuming you are talking about the Star Forge robes. These are made by the Star Forge in a computer room off to the left on the level with the turrets on the right. You need ~25 spikes per set of robes, and you and Juhani can wear them if light side (Jolee is neutral). If dark side, you get Revan's robes, and you can put them on Bastila as well.




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Originally posted by eidospsogos

of course he could be referring to the regular beige version of the jedi robes you see many jedi wearing on dantooine, but are never able to get in game. like the robes nemo actually had on.

I'm sorry that I now have an issue seeing Nemo as a name - despite years with Jules Verne ...


I expect that rather than being a Jedi Consular he's a Jedi Clownfish [groans at self]



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i hope you don't mind if i make a comment on your avatar while on the topics of cartoons.....


is it just me, or has the state of animation just seriously degraded in the last 5-10 years? i mean does anyone even care if their art is actually worth anything anymore? i mean seriosuly come on. it's a horrible trend to have caught on as quickly and widespread as it has. the trend to draw poorly. even disney is now putting out a poorly drawn animated movie soon. i saw previews for it, but don't remember what it was called. but when disney is willing to sacrifice the quality of their animated films, i guess anyone wanting to see something well-drawn will have to watch japanese cartoons.


anyway, just had to get that off my chest. i liked the series, it was good(and i am hoping that with the obvious delay of the third star wars movie, they didn't decide they had too much to cover and thus released this micro-series to cover things they didn't have the time or money for....(micro-series? what was that about? that concept annoyed me too.....whose attention span is short enough that they can enjoy 5 minutes of a cartoon.....i waited until they showed them all in a row) but it was very poorly drawn. there. that's my rant for the day. i feel better now. :)

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Originally posted by txa1265

I'm sorry that I now have an issue seeing Nemo as a name - despite years with Jules Verne ...


I expect that rather than being a Jedi Consular he's a Jedi Clownfish [groans at self]




It's too bad that the Jedi council didn't send you into the ruins to try to find him, the quest could have been called Finding Nemo...:p


As to the artistic commentary, eidos, I'm not sure it's a trend against quality, but rather a style. Animators and artists, in some cases, are showing that good animation doesn't mean realistic animation. You can make animation really detailed and it still wouldn't look real, so why not aim for style? At the same time, it may cut down costs as animated shows and films are really expensive to make (so in that sense I'm a liar...it may well be a trend against quality :p). I don't always dislike it, but I like to see realism too...


On that note, if you've never checked out Alex Ross's work (largely comics) you should...it is remarkable. Kingdom Come or Marvels are comics that I would highly reccomend buying, if you are into that sort of thing. You can check out some of his stuff here: http://www.alexrossart.com (if you haven't already...)

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Originally posted by eidospsogos

as far as comic artists and style, i've always been a big fan of mcfarlane. love his work. but yes i have seen some of those kingdom come books, and they are very nice.

You might want to check out some of the Star Wars: Republic comic series, specifically the ones with Jan Duursema as the artist. They are very good. Jedi: Dooku is a one shot deal that you might enjoy.


As the for the Clone Cartoons, I love 'em. I am a big fan of Samurai Jack, and I am happy with what they have done with Clone Wars. This style focuses more on the action than the look, although I personally like the look of these series.

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don't get me started on samurai jack. and you can say it's about style, blah blah blah.....but so was modern art and some post-modern art. but i just don't consider paint thrown on a canvas GOOD art anymore than i consider very simplistic poorly drawn forms GOOD art. call it art if you like, but it's still not GOOD art.


i liked the series. but as someone who majored in art and has loved and drawn comics for almost my entire life, i find that things like this getting recognition and accepted as GOOD for the idea of what people call STYLE, insulting and ridiculous. call it style if you like, but i'll hope it goes the way of the afro.

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Originally posted by eidospsogos

don't get me started on samurai jack. and you can say it's about style, blah blah blah.....but so was modern art and some post-modern art. but i just don't consider paint thrown on a canvas GOOD art anymore than i consider very simplistic poorly drawn forms GOOD art. call it art if you like, but it's still not GOOD art.


i liked the series. but as someone who majored in art and has loved and drawn comics for almost my entire life, i find that things like this getting recognition and accepted as GOOD for the idea of what people call STYLE, insulting and ridiculous. call it style if you like, but i'll hope it goes the way of the afro.




Oooooh, can we see your art??? :D

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if you'd like. though most of what i do is too large to scan in. and not only that, but try as i might, once i changed my major to graphic design and started trying to work with scanned drawings, most of my stuff looked horrible when full screened on a monitor. merely because i tend to make things very detailed, and to shrink it down to the appropriate resolutions runs all those minute little lines together.


if you are actually interested in seeing something, and aren't just being a smart@ss:), i am more than willing to send you something. you'll just have to give me a little while to find something small enough to put on a flatbed scanner, or with parts small enough to be taken out of the original. (as well as something vague enough not to give away any half-concocted intellectual property.....though the chances i'll ever get anything done with it are slim to none:))

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I'm perfectly serious :)


As for putting something in to protect your intellectual property...no need to do that, it would foil my plans to stea--I mean it would ruin your art!! :D


Anyway...perfectly serious, I love checking out good art and it seems like you have the right kind of influences, anyway :)

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hmmmm, well......i hate to say that as much as that was discussed in my art, aesthetics and criticism class, we never really found a definition for GOOD art.


we did manage to come to the agreement that something was ART, when someone sat down with the intention to create something as ART. we all came to this conclusion when the idea of someone finding a piece of driftwood that they thought looked artsy and because of that put it in their exhibit. so, that was the widest defintion everyone in the class could agree on for art.


now as for good art, that of course could vary from person to person. but, as i stated in class, there really is only one way to deny the existence of absolutes in ideals such as beauty and good and evil. and that is to be an atheist. if there is a a central deity that has created all things, then there are absolute ideals of beauty, morality, etc. and we may think we know what those are, but we could be wrong. the only way to say that ideals such as beauty are a matter of perspective, is to deny the existence of any absolutes, and thus do away with all ideals and even the existence of the deity that has instilled them.


now when it comes down to free will, you are free to decide what is beautiful to you. but you could be wrong. :)


so, when i say GOOD art, i refer to something that looks like something someone actually took some time with. not something that looks like a 4th grader could have slopped down on paper in about an hour. yes, comic forms are not often true to life, and if they can be that way in the interest of more detail, than they could do so for the opposite interest as well i guess. i just see animation today, and it looks like it is done as half@ss as everything else is done in today's society. there are exceptions, but as this becomes more common, even video games will begin to use these pathetically rendered forms, as they have become so common in animation. i know of several video games i have seen come directly from cartoons, and the reason the graphics look so horrible is because the original animation was horrible and that's what the graphics are based on.


to briefly summarize, i will not say that my idea of what is GOOD art is necessarily the right one. but i will say i do believe that as an ideal beauty is an absolute. and though everyone has the right to define what is beautiful to them, in the end, not everyone will be right. :)


boy that was longer than i planned it to be. oh well. damn you Prime, must you start such complex topics. :)

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I think that there is popular art, whose goal is to entertain. Then there is 'serious' art whose aim is to enrich.


The 'goodness' of the art - to me - has to do with setting and attaining goals. That is why I agree with serious art that fails being rated lower than packaged pop art that succeeds.


But what burns me is pretentious pop artists doing things and making big claims - and the pop media drooling all over them. Sting - who I have always liked and saw live with the police a couple of times and on his first tour - got all high and mighty about the service he was doing to Jazz. Um, sure. Don Henley threw a Synclavier into his studio and was lauded as some innovator of digital technology. Barf me out ... gag me with a spoon ...



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Originally posted by eidospsogos

damn you Prime, must you start such complex topics. :)

It was just so easy to ask a question that doesn't have an easy answer. :) Opinions about Samurai Jack aside, I seem to have the same opinions as you when it comes to art that looks like a 4th grader could do it.


Originally posted by txa1265

Sting - who I have always liked and saw live with the police a couple of times

You're dating yourself now, Mike. The Police ****ing rock though...
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Originally posted by Prime

You're dating yourself now, Mike. The Police ****ing rock though...

That's OK ... I don't mind ;) I thought that the 'barf me out' quote qould be more telling ... but then perhaps no one else can recall a time when there were actual Frank Zappa songs on the radio ... but that was when being controversial had to do with ideas and not using profanity or talking about booty.



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