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More Sam & Max 2 in the press


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Sam & Max 2 written up in PC Gamer as one of the 10 best upcoming games of 2004. Not that they know really, but it's a safe bet, right? :)


Here's a scan of the story. I recommend buying the actual issue from your local news store or whatever, though, just so you can see stuff like that pic of their office in more detail.

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*Runs to store and buys all sam & max comics.

*Goes on Ebay and buys all Steve Purcell stuff.


Gotta grab the stuff before sam and max gets mainstream again.

(Not like I wasn't before hand though)


Actually, I just picked up a six issue series called "Hero" from 1990 that Steve Purcell did for Marvel. The Majority of the penciling was done by him. I've not finished reading them, but Max makes a quick appearance as a stuffed animal held by lil girl.

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