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Lol it's ok now, someone told me that they appear behind the Starport at Mos Eisley all the time.


Does anyone know how many faction points you need to have with Jabba before you can do missions for him?


Is it any as long as you are not negative?

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how do you get declared for Jabba? I have done the Theme park I have about 800 Faction points -5000 Valarina (she hates me). Every time I go to the palace that little @#%$ protocal droid tells me that Jabba has nothing for me, that I should just sit around the palace, which woulldn't be a bad idea if the band their could heal BF and Mind wounds.


So how do you do it?

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You can't be declared as part of a jabba faction. You just have faction standing with jabba. After doing his missions you get some badge and you can go into the part of the palace that says reserved for personal friends of jabba. I'm slowly working through his missions as I find the time.

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I've finished his theme park and earned 'Jabba's Badge of Trust'.


I was was abit dissapointed though, I thought once I had earned his trust he would give me more detailed and difficult misions with large cash rewards... he never seems to have any jobs though.


And yeah... I think it's abit stupid to be able to sit and relax in his throne room and not be able to 'listen' to his band... it makes the idea of sitting in there quite pointless! :mad:

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