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I Need Opinions!!! (JA)


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ok... have a few situations.. i would like opinions on.. please!!


1 . a 1 on 1 CTF map based on The matrix lobby scene... Destructable pillars.. and to decent detail too.. what do you think about this idea? it doesnt have to be the matrix lobby.. but the whole idea of 1 on 1 small CTF map???? is this worth a try?


2. I need a Idea for Total Jedi War 2.... if you havent tried TJW 1 yet its on jk2 files and pcgamemods... basicly its a huge CTF/TFFA map set up with all weapons, Jetpack, meelee, ATSTs, Mini Tie Fighters, and Swoop bikes. i need a theme to increase the fun of the original .. since the original was just butt ugly in looks..

i played with the hoth theme.. im gonna pass on that one.. draw distance errors are a pain in the ass!

so im stumped.. anyone got a good idea what i can base TJW 2 on???



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Originally posted by BawBag?

Don't anything about No.2 (or 3 :p)

But a CTF level as small as that wouldn't work IMO. you need some decent space between each team to make the game a more strategical affair............

Absolutely. If the map is too small (like a lobby), the game would break down entirely...
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