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Check out this quick FFA map RptheHotrod requested me to make, its not done yet, but I want to see if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve it or something. Its sort of dark, and in a graveyard, I had this idea to add some kind of tomb and you go down some stairs, and theres a rancor down there... *shrugs* IDK... just thought it might be cool.


Here are some pics:












So what do you think?


I havnt left my other project, the JA movie, I just took a short break, to make this :)

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heres some new screenshots, btw, thanks kengo for the host, im going to try it out now...


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Ack.. i guess i cant (shouldnt) use it... :( I dont use the massasi forum, in fact.. i rarley go there :(


to keep bandiwidth available, ive made it so you have to click these links....











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Well done, its nice to release something after annoyingly long development times for SP/Film stuff eh? :)


That's weird, didn't notice that before :( I haven't posted any of the images at the Massassi temple myself...whoops. Oh well, you've worked out the iamge uploading thing at PCGM (unlike so many others) so you're got some pics there!

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Thanks! Yeah, this is only my 2nd map released. (except the JK2/JA movie) And this map greatly exceeds my other one, the other only got about 100 downloads (i think it was because it was a clan map)


It took me like an hour for the screenshots, because all my screenshots were low resolution, so i had to retake them. After that it was no problem.


Well done, its nice to release something after annoyingly long development times for SP/Film stuff eh?


Yeah, you add a few commands, compile, and find it didnt work... and repeat it over and over and over, till it does, or just forget about that part :( Anyways, time to submit this map to other places, and continue work on the movie :)

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Whoa. Check out jk3files.com not only did it get up there in about 5 days, (I was expecting a month!) but it made File of the Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats cool :D Lucasfiles, and massassi.net have not put it up yet. I dont know if i want to send it to force-temple.com (from what i saw at the Jedi Academy section) Pcgamemods and jk3files.com have had a good ammount of DLs. I think i packaged it wrong at massassi.net, and i wasnt sure if i sent it in properly to lucasfiles.com but then again, massassi does have that server problem right now. lucasfiles has put up other files though since i sent mine in. Im afraid if i decide to send another copy over, they might just not accept it at all :( Oh well... its done excellant where its at though.

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