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Changes for Jedi: Are they good enough?


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I have been a player of this game since early July. Through out my time, I have seen the best, and worst of the game. SOE has done a good job adding new features, such as mounts, player cities, vehicles and new dungeons.


But, Jedi seems to still to be an argued point. Many believe that a Jedi is 'The ultimate character'. On the contrary, they're weak in PvP, until they reach Master, or so I hear. Jedi seems to be not only the most wanted, but also the most frusterating to get. Several people who have achieved their FSCS by jumping hoops SOE set up for their own amusement, have been disappointed with the Jedi profession, and claim it's not worth it.


Course there are probably a small handful per server, but...removing permadeath ensures the pursuit of FSCS's, but, will there be problems with making it easier?


Granted, grinding through four, five, heck even ten profession can be frusterating and time consuming, but making it easier to get Jedi, I believe that we'll be seeing more and more Jedi running around Coronet, swinging their lightsaber over their head with names from the movies or books yelling, "Weee! Look at me! I'm a Jedi!" Just to get their butt kicked by a Teras Kasi Master. There will be many groups running mission that SOE will provide just like the Crystal caves on Dantooine.


Seriously, Jedi should not have been added to the game. Up to between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, there were only three Jedi. Palpatine, Vader, and Luke (Though he was just an initiate :p ) if SOE wanted to follow the story line.


The problems with the Jedi profession is that there isn't much to it. You use a lightsaber, you get a TEF. You use force powers, you get a TEF, which makes it frusterating, even with faction TEF's. If a Jedi was to join in the GCW (Galactic Civil War), guarenteed, when that blade goes up, the player will go down in seconds. Alright, scratch that opportunity. Running around in a group? Doubt one could do it without they themselves getting shot by a group member. Ok, scratch that one. What I'm trying to say, is that there isn't much a Jedi can do without getting shot by another player.


If any of this info's wrong, my apoligies. I'm only following off of what SOE provided for Information. Post your thoughts.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Until they get a new team of people to sit down and actually THINK about things first, Galaxies will always be a hit and miss affair.


The path to becoming a Jedi is very weak. Having to spend millions to buy a holocron etc is certainly not the way to do things.



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Changes for Jedi: Are they good enough?


Well since no one knows what the changes are going to be for sure, its not really worth speculating over until we here exactly what they are going to be.


I always new that they would change the Jedi System, and even argued with people over it. But I still started the Holo Grind even though I said I wouldnt do it. Right now I am on my 10th Profession and I will still keep mastering professions until the changes go live. All I can say is that those of us that have conpleted our Holos and are grinding away professions to find our "Silent" holo better be very very very close to being a Jedi when the new system is implemented.




Creature Handler

Image Designer - Holo1

Armorsmith - Holo2

Musician - Holo3

Entertainer - Holo4



Medic - Working on this right now.

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I am glad for that change. The box did say " be a jedi" . I did not say be a jedi after playing for a year ( or have your kid , because he has lots more time then you to play then you do ). This grinding of profections seems nice to learn the game and be well rounded. I do not want to be well rounded and learn the inside out of the game. I want to be a smuggler or what ever other skill turn you on. IF that skill was jedi , then good ( of course will will be hunted and have no place to rest your head unless you have a secondary charature ) just remember that jedi are vagabonds. no real money to be made there. no other skill possablity, no changing, no house or harverster. This game is great and would be better if you could be what you wanted. I do not think everyone will be jedi. Sure may will try but after getting eye shot a few times people will whine how their jedi suck. Until you reach master , you do bite the big one. as with many other profections. People will still need to have a other charature to support the jedi anyways.

Let everyone have a chance.


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I think the path to becoming a Jedi is poorly designed. Mastering five random proffessions is no way to do it, but being a Jedi is and should be hard. So what if a Jedi get's a TEF for scratching his butt the wrong way. That's how it should be, and it will balance the people who to be uber l33t jedi characters. They will get themselves killed and get pissed and hopefully drop it and let someone who deserves it become a Jedi. I think the new Jedi changes are designed to make Jedi somehwat interesting, doable and worth it. They said they were making it quest oriented, so I think Jedi will have many quests to do, and that will make it interesting and give them a better way to get XP than cautiously killing durnis in the middle of nowhere hoping no one will see you.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Who knows what SOE are doing. I don't think they know themselves.


I think because the player community was demanding Jedi, this was the best that they could and having to master lots of professions 'to kill time' is lame.


Really, many people are right in saying that there were not many Jedi around in this time period and most were probably hiding from the Empire.


I think overall, the game has been/is moving forward extremely slowly (maybe to help those non-power gamers) but I guess because they just do not know what to do.


Its a sad affair as becoming a Jedi should be special and go to those who really have made a different in the community - like helping people. Once you then unlock your FS, you can decide which path to take.



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It should be a profession like any other. I like the no slots ( a jedi is a wanderer ) . Maybe a quest maybe not. I think you should be able to be a jedi and not have a force slot. So you could be a jedi as your first and ONLY charture it he galaxy. still with no slots. so you will need to make friends or have a second accout. The friends is what you should do to help you hide from the empire but you know some will just buy second accounts. It is money and that is ok. Should not be able to mix jedi with any other profession ( like now ) .

If people want to be jedi, let them. IF that is why they bought the game and that was a factor, hello , do it. That is why people spend the money. Not to get the computer verson of the old bait and switch.

This is a MMORP and not a contest of who can spend more time in the game then in the real world. When I log on, I want to have fun for my money ( especcally paying every month ). I probably have not canceled my 3 month acount because when I wanted to I could not find out how to do it. lol. I hope I get to have fun before the fun/desire is below my family/responsablities on the scale of life.

I like the game and feel bad for the dev and all the people yelling at them NO MATTER WHAT IS DONE. I wouild like my Personal shield generator working but the CSRs say it as a DEV and the DEVs do not have to answer you /bug report. I really could have used the shields for act3. Im a TKA and those 10 ea. 10k HAM rebs do know how to hit you in the head ( A LOT) in the 2 nd try I lost 1700 mind thrue my 80% res to energy adv comp helmet. many did seem to go thrue my helmet hole ( must have been eye slot shots LOL. I wonder if damange mitigation 2 helped any.


Games are for fun and if I am paying money and time, it had better be so....:)




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If they were to just let people be Jedi, then it would destroy the Star Wars feel of the game completely. It would stop being An Empire Divided and turn into Knights of the Old Republic, just horribly in the wrong timeperiod.


Don't people get this? There are no Jedi left. :rolleyes:


Space and time continium would collapse.

Chaos would ensue. :D

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exactly, there are very few Jedi around at this time, and if anyone could just be a Jedi then it would ruin the feel of the time period, it's difficult to become a jedi for a reason, and if anyone discoverd you're a jedi then you'd probly have a large number of Bounty Hunters on your ass, it gives the game the true feeling of that time period

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with you there Jan, if there were hundreds of Jedi running around it would ruin the whole game,


1. because it would be in totally wrong time period, as you said and...

2. Jedi's are very hard to kill so if you are having a duel with one then you will most likely die, and if loads of people are Jedi's they will start going round in groups thinking they are almighty and powerful and no one can kill them,


It would destroy the game. :eek:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Imagin if you are walking in a crowd, and a jedi acidentally reveals himself and is killed, but then 12 more jedi pop up and rip through the crowd, would that be fun? i ask you.


13 jedi in once crowd? What are the odds. If one Jedi was killed, and any others, lets say 12 were stupid enough to fight also, they would take out their lightsabers, and possibly take out the surrounding people, until they were rushed by dozens of other people who would murder them. That situation is stupid.

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"Seriously, Jedi should not have been added to the game. Up to between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, there were only three Jedi. Palpatine, Vader, and Luke (Though he was just an initiate ) if SOE wanted to follow the story line."


You forgot yoda :p


As for not being able to become a jedi (as you said if they removed the jedi from the game) would lose much of its popularity. I mean common.. it's like playing knights of the old repubulic without being able to become a jedi. I believe that they made it hard enough to become it. However, I'm not sure if the changes will help.


Anyways, as for the jedi. IMO, they made it hard enough to get. There are a ton of people in groups or people in the GCW who reap tons of xp. The fact that the jedi cannot whip out his lightsaber as well as his force powers in a group or in the GCW helps promote the fact that you cannot have anyone else help you gain xp. You must gain the xp alone, and by yourself, thus promoting it even harder to gain jedi master.


The reason I'm sure that people who become a jedi say its not worth it is because they don't take the time to try and become a master jedi. This may sound contradictory, but as for being a jedi in a group or PvP, join a lightside (if your a lightside jedi) or a darkside (darkside jedi) clan. Fight in groups with your clan, or if their is a pvp battle, get the clan to join in.


Now with dying as a jedi, I've heard many rumors and such, but the fact still remains that if you die as a jedi, you lose your character. You can create ANOTHER one that is a jedi, but you must start over. I don't see how anyone can really complain about that. If you've busted your ass through profession and profession then you should have some common sense on knowing when and when you should not take something on. Those who die as a jedi and bitch about it obviously did something stupid (waving their lightsaber around) or had no common sense (LETS TAKE THIS HIVE OF RANCORS ON ALONE!).


Also note the lightsaber, at novice level does a maximum damage of 300 (or so I've heard).


So if your going to become a jedi, keep a low profile, and don't **** up. That's my advice.

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Originally posted by Lord Haine

I agree with you there Jan, if there were hundreds of Jedi running around it would ruin the whole game,


1. because it would be in totally wrong time period, as you said and...

2. Jedi's are very hard to kill so if you are having a duel with one then you will most likely die, and if loads of people are Jedi's they will start going round in groups thinking they are almighty and powerful and no one can kill them,


It would destroy the game. :eek:




In a way I see what you mean. But to say it will ruin the the whole game, I do not think so. In the movies, how many bounty hunters did you see ? 2 or 3? does that mean thats all there are in the galixy? No, that is all YOU know about. We will not get into the books and the hidden dark jedis here and there.

On my server there are a woop butt of bounty hunters and many other specal class super heros. Thats what were are. We are heros in a story. I have on my own kill 1000's of rebels and more in groups. Heck, I have seen more battles the Lord Vadar himself. Of course it is changed alittle from the moves.

One could say the movies only focused on Luke Skywalker because it was his story in a way. Vadar and the emperor only knew of Luke because he was a dumb butt and did not keep his head down. They did not know were Obi-wan was until he had to come out of hiding. So who are you to say there were only the jedi the see in the episode 4,5,6. The others are just better at hiding. If everyone whats to be a TKA master, good and if everyone whats to be Rifleman or even Bounty hunter, let them. This is their dream and they pay to live it. Soon people will find the profection to kill jedi because that will be fun thing to do. Life is balance and my money is just as good as someone with no life or someone willing to hurt their real life to make jedi is foolish . I hope the develpers are not so selfish like some of the hologriners now crying that they wasted their time. Eather you wasted your time and now you want other to do the same ( that sound weak ) or someone fixes the game so you play what you want to play. A person that wants to make money will not become a jedi. also a person that does not like the close in fighting will not become a jedi nether. Yes, many may well become jedi. But this is because this is what they want and are paying money for. IF you think jedi is too strong there pick the level it should be at ( should be able to beat 4 people in PVP ) . then fixed it. I do not know how this can be gaged, I bet a good rifleman could sneak up on a jedi and Kill him. Will the jedi screem Nerf? lol. Be happy and play and let others play also.


If a person wants to be a jedi . Good. should let me. This is a fun game with people living out their fantacy for just a little bit of money every month. Why should one have to choose bettween his family and grinding out jedi. That is so weak. I hope ones family wins. ]

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Well, you're missing the point then. :)


Ok, let's go by the movies then:





That's it, cause that's how GL says it is.

End of discussion.



This is a time period where the armies are not lead by Jedi, but regular guys/gals like you and me.

That's what this time is about.


Deal with it, or get the Devs to change the time line by taking out Vader and the Emperor, or change them to Chancellor Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker, take out Luke, Han, Leia, make all the changes that can make this game appear in the right timeperiod to fit Jedi in.



Like I said before, you can't get it in both plastic and paper and still have a believable Star Wars feel to it.

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Originally posted by Jan Gaarni

Well, you're missing the point then. :)


Ok, let's go by the movies then:





That's it, cause that's how GL says it is.

End of discussion.



This is a time period where the armies are not lead by Jedi, but regular guys/gals like you and me.

That's what this time is about.


Deal with it, or get the Devs to change the time line by taking out Vader and the Emperor, or change them to Chancellor Palpatine and Anakin Skywalker, take out Luke, Han, Leia, make all the changes that can make this game appear in the right timeperiod to fit Jedi in.



Like I said before, you can't get it in both plastic and paper and still have a believable Star Wars feel to it.


^ gotta point. Changing the time line is like telling them to make a whole new game. If you want a different timeline, then go buy battlefront, or kotor, or even jedi knight.

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