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i lost my CD-key becuase of a thief!


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ok, so i went into the store becuase i finally had enough to buy SWG. and there was ONE copy left and the person at the store said that it was previously owned, i asked why they gave it back and he said the previous owner claimed that it cost £70 to register, i knew this wasnt true and thought the previous owner was just stupid, so i got home, installed it and i was quite pleased that i FINALLY had the game after ages of waiting, i typed in the CD key perfectly and it told me it had already been registered! My first assumption was that i just typed it wrong but then it hit me, the last owner just copied the disc and got his money back! leaving me to waiting for up to 4 weeks until i have a chance of getting another one. :(

If by any chnace you know how to help in less time than 4 weeks AND bring this person to authorities (i have already e-mail sony) thne please tell me!!

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My guess is the only way to be able to play fast is to buy another copy. Otherwise you will be waiting for a long time I bet.


Edit: This would not happen in the US as stores here are not allowed to give people their money back for games/movies/cd's. Is it different in that part of the world?

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Well, usually if you have the receit and can prove that there is a problem with the game/cannot play the game for a good and provable reason, then stores usually give your money back but if its e.g a month after you bought the game you'd have to go through alot of bother to convince them.

But if the shopkeeper is nice all he/she needs is a receit and a unmarked copy of the software, which is what the keeper of this shop was until he found out he was robbed.

and i cant buy another copy becuase the shopkeeper said, "If i dont have this game in by friday-monday then come back and take your money becuase you'll probaly be waiting a while after that."

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Guest DarthMaulUK

If you bought it from GAME, you will be able to get your money back. Or, email SOE and tell them what has happened and see if they can help you.


If you do not have your actual receipt, you just need proof of purchase - IE: Their sticker on the box, a credit/debit card receipt or the fact they can actually check their records - which Retailers hate doing.


But to be honest, if you can get a refund - do so.



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some good news.

Sony answered my e-mail *gasp of shock* and the account has been "dealt with" but they didnt say much more but im hoping they cancelled the account. and now, this means (hopefully) that the CD-Key is open. the shop i bought from wasnt a game, it was a small shop run by 2 people, one of whom is my Friend but doesnt actually do much counter work (meaning that the keeper might let me retry with that copy if he hasnt gone and got rid of it). so im hoping that i can try use that copy again and not have to wait ages for another copy of the game. problem is i cant go back until friday becuase of work so i wont be joining you all for a couple more long and boring days.

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