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End of Coruscant Level problem


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On PC, when I finish the Coruscant level, the cutscene comes on where I capture the gangster who's making the assassin droids. The end of level screen comes on and Kyle says they shut down the operation on Nar Shadda.....I click OK.....THEN Kyle comes back and says they figured out what made the shuttle crash (same scene from the first round of missions). I click OK... and I'm back to the first set of mission options (Tatooine, droid recovery, etc.)...all missions that I've already finished!


I downloaded the patch and it still does this. Any help?


Is this somehow force power or level related (i.e. I'm not exp enough to continue ?!?)

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To be honest. I really diden't like ravensofts version of coruscant. The skybox Totaly sucked. They should have put buildings in the background, instead stars, and a planet's atmosphere. The texture choices where horrible. The Building shapes and sizes where too basic. I mean it was a fun level. But I think Ravensoft did a better job on Narshaddaa for JO. Yet boxy it felt like a normal night on Narshaddaa.

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