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Escape from Nal Hutta


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Alright, we've got enough characters to start a story. Let's kick it off with a classic escape tale.

New posters -- please post in the Role Call thread with your character info so that we have a quick background to read.



Nal Hutta, noon...


Filthy yellow sunlight shone into the cell of smuggler Van Lingo. He sighed for the fourth time in four minutes, blowing a puff of green dust into the dank air.

He'd been in here for six days now. Not once had they fed him anything edible. Gorrda the Hutt had his ship in a private lot, and he was trapped in the highest tower of Gorrda's island palace.


"(Don't worry, smuggler. In time, the pain will leave. When that happens, you will no longer bear the burdens of this life.)" Gorrda's voice rumbled echoed in the throne room. "(You should have never dropped that spice.)"

Lingo set his jaw. "You should never have loaded glitterstim in with my reward."

"(I would have rid you of it once you got to Tatooine.)"

"I wasn't headed for Tatooine, Gorrda!"

The Hutt bellowed again. "(Too bad for you, smuggler.)"


And now he sat in a prison tower, starving to death and wishing he'd become a senator.

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Many levels below, a meeting was taking place in the Hutt's throne room. In front of Gorrda stood a tall, young man by the name of Excelsion Melitafer. Gorrda had promised him a profit for his latest bounty, but was refusing to pay it. Excelsion didn't appear to be the happiest of people.


"Look, Gorrda, give me the credits. The ithorian is dead."

The hutt laughed so loud that all the occupants of the throne room turned to look.

"Where's the proof? You can't expect me to pay you without proof. After all, you're a novice bounty hunter. You could just be running off with the credits."

"You honestly think that *I* would mess with a Hutt?"

The hutt paused, he needed a good response;

"If you messed with a Hutt - you wouldn't survive much longer."

"Oh wouldn't I?" Excelsion pulled out his trusted blaster rifle from his backpack, and aimed it at the Hutt's wrinkled face. "Now give me the money...meatbag!"


Gorrda wasn't going to have any of this. Quickly, he beckoned to the two heavily armed guards beside him. They both moved forward and siezed Excelsion by the arms, knocking his gun from his hand.


Suddenly, Excelsion kicked one of the guards, loosening his grip. Then he whipped out a vibro-blade and stuck it into the guard's chest. Blood trickled down onto the stone floor. The Hutt chuckled.


"Fool. Another prisoner to add to my collection."


The doors opened, and five more guards entered the room. Excelsion had no choice but to surrender. His 'escape' attempt had been in vain. Soon, he found himself being dragged off to the cells on the upper levels.

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Thor was on his way to Gorrda the Hutt in seek of a mission. He had heard that the Hutt was giving out large sums of money for the heads of people he had grudges on.

As he approached the throne room he saw a young man beeing seized by two guards. The technique the man had when he suddenly swung his vibroblade was impressive. He saw the guy beeing seized by 5 more guards.

He realised that the manstood no chance to survive, so Thor quickly approached the Hutt.

"(Who are you)" The Hutt asked, obvioulsy amused.

"I am Ara'k Thor, and I am here to collect a bounty."

"(heh, heh, heh, and what bounty do you speak of?)" The Hutt chuckled

"I here have the blaster of the rebel leader Colenat"

"(How do I know you're not trying to trick me?)"

"You, of all beeings, should know that a Mandalorian never lies about his hunts."

"(Very well, you shall have your bounty, 500 credits)"

"500? I was promised 25000!"

"(The bounty was onhis head, not on his blaster.)" The Hutt laughed

"Maybe this will convince you" Thor said, drawing a flash grenade.

He quickly shot two of the guards holding the young man,and then drew his vibroblades.

"Cover your eyes!" He shouted to the man.

He threw the flash grenade.

"Run while you have the chance!" He shouted.

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The sound of blaster fire was heard all over the palace. The guards who had been taking Excelsion to his prison cell stopped moving, and looked round.


"Looks like your boss...gets himself into a lot of trouble..." he stuttered.

"Shut up you!"


The guard punched him in the back. Another one kicked him in the chest. Then the man behind him gasped, looking round, Excelsion saw a blaster hole through his chest. The man fell to the floor. The other two guards seemed scared, they didn't attack Excelsion. The whole palace had erupted into one huge fight. It was almost every man for himself.


Excelsion took the chance to escape. He smacked one guard round the face, then kicked the other against the wall, knocking them both unconcious. He grabbed a blaster rifle from the floor and made his way back to the throne room.

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Thor attacked the rest of the guards with his vibroblade.

A couple of quick swings later the floor was filled with dead bodies.

Thor walked back to the Hutt.

"How much was the bounty again?" Heasked with a grin

"(Take everything you want! just don't touch me!)" He said, but a evil smirk erupted from his fat mouth.

Thor turned around just quick enough to see the droids...

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Just then Excelsion burst through the door, behind the droids. There were lots of them, but they weren't too strong. Quickly, Excelsion stooped down and grabbed his vibroblade that had been taken from him earlier.


He slashed the first droid in half, then the second, and the third...

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Goodness, you guys are racking them up. Let's see some character flaws, eh?



"Hey! Somebody get me out of here!" Lingo kicked at his cell door. He could see vehicles parked inthe courtyard, and he heard blaster fire from below.


The Gamorrean guard turned and shoved his vibro-ax through the cell door bars. One grunt was enough to make Lingo understand.


He could hear the Hutt lord rumbling orders downstairs. If I don't get out of here, Gorrda will feed me to his monsters for sure.


He pounded on the door again, but kept his head back farther this time. Once again, the vibro-ax was shoved through, but the smuggler was ready. He reached around and grabbed it just below the blade, pulling it the rest of the way through. Seconds later, he had the door hinges off.


A meaty fist slammed into him; the piggy guard was not about to let him run. He retreated back into the cell. "Come on, fat boy."


The Gamorrean squealed and charged. The ax stuck in like a lance, but his momentum carried him through the cell still. Lingo barely ducked out of the way, and the guard crashed into the back wall hard enough the send the ax through his rib cage and out the back.


"Better get that checked, tubby." Lingo disappeared down the stairs.

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I tried to do that by making him get captured. Don't worry, I'll make some soon enough...


I also think that the fighting should die down and they escape by stealing uniforms from somewhere.



Pure fighting in hordes wasn't Excelsion's style. He couldn't think, and standing still too long would get him killed for sure. The fighting seemed to be mainly concentrated around him and a mandalorian, who was nearby.


There was too much deciding to be done...to many decisions to make. Should he try and escape? Or should he stay and help out the mandalorian?


He chose the former. Ignoring another person who had just appeared behind him, Excelsion made a run for the large rusted door. He had to get away. Once he reached the end of the corridor, he slammed the side of his body into the stone wall to stop himself. The pain was almost overwhelming. The door, which now stood towering down upon him, led off the island. Through a small gap in the bottom of the door Excelsion could feel a cool breeze.


But there was no means of operating the door. Now trapped, Excelsion found himself looking from side to side, hurriedly searching for a panel amongst the other machinery and junk that littered the corridor.


He hadn't planned ahead, he rarely did. And now he was trapped. A large Gammorean stood in front of him, dribbling, with is axe glinting in the light from a high-up window. He feared that this was the end.

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Thor knew he was outnumbered, and soon the droids would get him...

But he was a Mandalorian, and would not stop fighting until his death. Death in battle was an honour to his people, and he would much rather die than beeing captured and humiliated.

He kept on slashing at the droids, but when he had taken down a few, he was hit in the chest by a stunning beam.

He fell down, clutching his chest, muttering something in Mandalorian.

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OOC: Hope this doesn't stray too far from RP rules... Let me know if you want me to edit it, MMMPIE



Blast! What I wouldn't give for a blaster...

The scene before Lingo was one of complete mayhem. Severed limbs and dead bodies were scattered on the floor, Gorrda was yelling and waving his stubby arms, and a host of soldier droids were closing in on a fellow in Mandalorian battle armor.


Suddenly one of the droids fired. A blue stun bolt sent the Mandalorian to his knees. Powerful stuff, Gorrda...


Taking advantage of the lapse, the Corellian ran and dove for the Mandalorian, slapping the valve control on his jetpack. He held on for dear life as they blasted past the droids and into the dining hall, smashing across the ancient wood table and ending up in a heap on the floor next to the kitchen door.


Groggily, he shook his ruffled head. "Hey pal," he said, shaking the Mandalorian's arm, "are you okay?"

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OOC: What do ya mean edit? I havent read any RP rules, so forgive me if i make mistakes (just tell me) ;)

Oh, and i never mentioned a JetPack, but okey :p


IC: Thor suddenly got to his senses. On instinct he pulled a short vibroblade out, and almost cut the corellian shaking his arm.

"uh, huh? Oh... yeah i'm okay" Thor slowly replied as he remembered what was happening. His eyes focused, and he saw a big Gamorrean attacing something.

"Let's get the hell outta here!" He said to the Corellian, as he dashed for the door, where the Gamorrean was.

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What happened to all the droids?



The huge Gammorean was now coming closer and closer. It seemed to be saying something, and spat in Excelsion's face. He coudln't do anything but stand there. Then the pig swung its axe. Quickly, Excelsion ducked, and the axe smashed into the stone wall. Behind the Gammorean Excelsion noticed two men, one of whom was the Mandalorian he had seen before.


The Gammorean snorted and pulled the axe out of the wall. Excelsion had now managed to get behind it, and was just about to stab it when it swung the axe round again. This time Excelsion parryed it with his sword, but the strength behind the blow was so powerful that the vibro-blade shattered and the axe almost cleaved his head.


Another blow, and Excelsion fell to the ground. The Gammorean raised the axe. Excelsion shut his eyes and preapred for the final blow. But it never came. The Gammorean had frozen, the axe poised above its head. Then it fell to the floor, collapsing beside him. Then in front of him stood two men with blood on their hands.


"...Thanks." Excelsion said, stuttering. He was shocked that he was still alive.

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OOC: still right behind us :p


IC: "No problem matey, just let us get outta here, i have my ship right outside in the docking bay, just lets hope he hasn't l....... oh crap!!!"


They all turned to see all the doors in the hall beeing shut, and a big gate opened... they suddenly found themselves facing a big rancor...

The rancor swiped away the droids, and headed for the small group...


OOC: we are in a hall with the droids chasing us, and the throne room door was one of the doors that shut

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Rancors now...



"Oh...well this is great!" Excelsion said saircastically, getting to his feet.


The rancor approached, and spat some kind off gooey substance at them. Its huge claws were enough to rip a man to shreads in one swipe.


Excelsion took out his blaster (which he had taken back from the throne room), and aimed it at the rancor's head.

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Originally posted by VanLingo

[Gorrda will feed me to his monsters for sure

sorry, i just assumed :rolleyes:

stop blaming me for everything :(


IC: "Thats no use here..." Thor said, reffering to Excelsions blaster.

"We gotta get outta here..."

He looked around the room, and saw nothing... Suddenly something came to his mind. The roof window!

"Hold on to me," he instructed the two others.

They did as they were told, and he started his jetpack.

Of course it didn't work...

"goddamnit..." Thor muttered as the giant creature approached them.

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I said "monsters" so that someone else could make up what the monster was. Let's roll with it...

And please let's not get too carried away. Be as realistic as possible. :)



This was no baby rancor like the famous Malakili's. This was a fully grown monster straight from the jungles of Dathomir. It snapped its jaws, and drool hung from chipped and jagged teeth.


It slapped the ground and roared, a much more frightening sight from the ground than from where Gorrda sat -- behind transparisteel panes.


Lingo ran at the creature, raising his arms. "Shoot it!" he yelled, hoping to distract it enough for the bounty hunter to get a straight shot, "Hit it in the throat!"


The rancor took a long swipe at the skinny human in front of it.


Lingo hit the dirt. "Hurry up!"

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I think that next time we take a more realistic approach...what VanLingo said. :cool:

And my blaster will work. Kinda.



The Rancor's throat was now fully in the scope of Excelsion's rifle. Just a few more seconds and it would be dead. He rested his finger on the trigger. Then fired.


Just then, the rancor moved, and the blaster shot hit its neck. Then the rancor turned and changed its target. It went straight for Excelsion. He pulled out his vibro-blade just in time, and stabbed the rancor in the foot.


But the rancor had other ideas. It grabbed Excelsion and dangled him upside down, before bringing him towards its throat. He quickly used his vibro-blade to stab it in its throat, but the blade stuck there. He pulled it with his free hand, but it wouldn't budge. The rancor closed its jaws. Excelsion fell to the ground, in desperate pain.

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OOC: Didn't your vibroblade shatter? oh, well... :rolleyes:


IC: Thor saw the black-red blood streaming out of the rancor's throat... As Excelsion fell, he had landed at the feet of the rancor, and would probably be crushed if the beast fell over.

Thor rushed over to help, and dived at Excelsions body, pushing him away from the swaying monster.

The rancor roared, and the sound was overwhelming.

Thor's helmet absorbed the sound, and he felt as though his head would explode.

As he stood there stunned, the rancor fell...

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He actually has two dual-wielded blades. See the Role Call thread.

Well he actually has none now...



The ground shook beneath him. Excelsion heard a loud thump as the rancor fell to the ground. The rancor had had it's last breath. Blood was seeping out of its mouth.


His back ached, and his hand was cut and torn badly. He was in no state for another fight, so he turned his thoughts to an escape plan.


"We need to find a way out of this place," He said to them both, "Thats if...we're working together. And I don't think we've met before...can I ask your name?"


Then he turned to the mandalorian, "Thanks...again."

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IC: "You can just call me Thor for now..." he muttered

"That was some impressive blade swinging"

*a door opened, and some gammoreans came towards them*

"****, we can't take these guys on... lets try to batter the door or something!" Thor said, realising that the gammoreans would make short process of them.


OOC: I'm not trying to make this into an arena battle, i just wanna point out that we stand no chance if we stay here and fight :p

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Ok, so lets make them escape soon.



"You can't batter the door! Its too thick..." Shouted Excelsion, as he paused to duck the axe of a gammorean, before pulling out his rifle and shooting it in the head.

"I would've escaped if it had been that easy! Try and reach one of those windows!"

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OOC: Sorry if this is short notice. And, as this is my first time, I may not be very good at this. Sorry in advance. :(


IC: As Marta Richmar, touched down outside the palace doors, the alarms started blaring. Thoughts began to rush through his head. What was happening? Had they found him already? Is my target still alive?


Richmar was working for a hutt name Falinja, who had, apparently, once been part of something called the smugglers accossiation. His target was the leader of this, clan, as it were, before it fell apart. Now, he seemed to be on the run. Either that or he was loosing his knack at tracking. But, according to a tracking device implanted into him via a spiked drink, he'd been in this palace quite a while now.


"Ha! Drunkard!" Muttered Marta. "He'd better hope that he's already dead. Or he's gonna have to suffer me!"


Approaching the door, he opened his tech kit. Setting a chip onto the exposed control panel, he hacked into the system, and the door slowly opened. He thought to himself. Is this person really a smuggler? How many times has Falinja lied to me now? Can I really trust her?


The roar of what sounded like a rancor brought him back to his senses. Is she's wrong this time, she'll be the one with a price on her head! "But if not," he spoke, "this is one smuggler who doesn't escape from me."

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