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"Professional" Gamers


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Originally posted by Rumor

still doesn't make him a pro gamer. they are paid because they are good and they are paid to compete.


Ah, but all I can figure out from the title 'pro gamer' is that it is someone who is paid for being a gamer, or in other words, for playing games. I don't see why it should only be those who compete in tournaments, since there is no indication in the title that it is only gamers who compete in tournaments. Since there's no official dictionary entry for 'pro gamer', I'd have to come to the conclusion that the only real definition of a 'pro gamer' is the one you get by looking at what the words mean...someone who plays games for a living.


So I guess it ultimately comes down to personal opinion as to what some may consider a 'pro gamer'...

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well for gaming the term is different than it is for other things. its just how it is lol. there are gamers who are paid to play games, but they are there to find flaws/give suggestions, etc. then there are the pro gamers who are paid to play (as well as their plane tickets, etc are paid for) because of their individual/team skills. i know its confusing but for games thats how it is, unlike most other things.

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Originally posted by dFiend

Male seahorses are essentially the maternal figure in the seahorse family system. Where's the child support?

Covered under medicare and paid for by taxes.


Originally posted by dFiend

Canada should take notice.

Oh, we have.
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Originally posted by Master William

Pro gamers = Nerd gamers with no life.


No, just joking. Actually, I see pro gamers as people with a lot of time on their hands. As long as they don't actually think it's something to brag with, I accept them.


then by the same token, any professional sport would not be something to "brag with."

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Originally posted by _PerfectAgent_

Yes. Really! Actually!




And, yes Masterblaster, I'm comparing an ACTUALLS SPORTZ to the very real and very prominent increase in the professional online community. Whether you like it or not, the world will be engulfed with the South Korean gaming craze.. Remember the horde of african killer bees?.. exactly.

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Pro Gamers do not have a "ton of time" on their hands like you think. Instead of going out and working at a fast food restaurant they are paid a lot of money to game for 8 hours a day. And i do not mean the causual **** you guys do, i mean hard practice.


As for "real sports" they are only so much physical, the rest is totally mental. Thing about pro gaming its 99% mental planning/strategy/awareness (far beyond what any traditional athelete needs/uses) and 50% eye-hand coordination and reflexes which are far beyond what any traditional athelete posesses. Think of it this way, when someone is doing a 1v1 or TDM or CTF on a map bigger than ctf_ns_streets yet can nail a person on the other side of the map with not only the railgun but the rl among others, they are exhibiting extreme eye-hand coordination, awareness, and reflexes. do you realize how hard it is to hit a spot on your screen 2x the size of one of these periods (---> . <---) while strafejumping (and they are moving very fast as well)? I mean you guys have no ****ing clue as to how far beyond your wildest dreams these guys are. Hell the smallest fastmoving object i can consistently hit is about the size of the o in the parenthesis ---> ( o ). I'm nowhere near the level that these guys are, yet i am constantly told to turn off my hacks (people think i aimbot/wallhack for some reason).

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Yeah, well athletes have to have incredible aim with out the steady physical arms the game automatically gives you (only in the game...the players arms holding the gun), they have to actually throw a ball instead of pressing a button (or pulling a trigger for that matter), and they have to actually do the jumping and running. :D


Sorry...just had to say that... :p

Although quite frankly, you haven't changed my opinion of pro gamers one bit...not that you'd care of course...or do you? *Waits to see if reply comes* :D

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Originally posted by Gabrobot

Yeah, well athletes have to have incredible aim with out the steady physical arms the game automatically gives you (only in the game...the players arms holding the gun), they have to actually throw a ball instead of pressing a button (or pulling a trigger for that matter), and they have to actually do the jumping and running. :D


Sorry...just had to say that... :p

Although quite frankly, you haven't changed my opinion of pro gamers one bit...not that you'd care of course...or do you? *Waits to see if reply comes* :D


No, i don't really care about your opinion, heh. Thing is anyone that doesn't really understand the beast will think its stupid or whatever.


Do i hope to be a pro gamer one day? **** yeah that would be the best job in the world. Do i think it will happen? Probably not, i have other things to do in my life, and it isn't really in my plans.


Do i play sports? Hell yes i do. Football, soccer, baseball, basketball, street hockey, racquetball (when i get a chance).


Do i get out much? Yes. I go hunting/hiking/camping all the time. 15 mile hikes are the best. I can usually run the whole way with a 70+ lb pack.


Do i game a lot? Yes. I game whenever i'm not doing something else.


As you can see just becuase someone plays games a lot doesn't mean they have no life.

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There are "pro curlers", "pro bowlers", "pro pool players", and "pro dart players". All are sports, and frankly I hold all four lower on the pillar of "sportdom" than I do "pro gamers". So the excuse that "all they do is sit and point and click" is freaking ridiculous. And comes from someone who's probably never competed in a REAL clan match or ladder or league for gaming.

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Originally posted by vS:Mr.Joshua

There are "pro curlers", "pro bowlers", "pro pool players", and "pro dart players". All are sports, and frankly I hold all four lower on the pillar of "sportdom" than I do "pro gamers". So the excuse that "all they do is sit and point and click" is freaking ridiculous. And comes from someone who's probably never competed in a REAL clan match or ladder or league for gaming.


Don't forget pro raquetballers.


I have to agree with Mr. Osmer on that point. I've seen some insane videos (go to http://www.own-age.com and download some of the better trickjump and frag videos from q3 and you'll see what i mean. Just Quake being one that stands out in my mind). I did crash at a friends house who has cable last night after a party, and he happened to have q3 installed (hadn't played it in at least a year) so i went on some clan servers (CAL/TWL/GBL clans) and was booted for just about every single one because they thought i was aimbotting. I also went on some servers and 1v1'd a few guys who are pretty damn good (not naming names since i'm not a name dropper) and they asked me if i was using a hook. Now consider this, and consider the fact that i'm nowhere near the level of the top players (i don't know the weapon timing, etc.) nor do i have the movement down to an art. The only thing i had was a much-better-than-average aim. Now imagine someone with godlike reflexes, aim, timing, trickjumping and teamwork skills (or a clan with a good mix) and you start to see how far beyond people like that are from casual players. You seriously have no clue, because you have no comprehension of the things these people can do.

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Still, I'm not convinced we have to classify them as "pro gamers" just to feed their egos (sorry but that's my opinion). A very good player maybe, 100% shot accuracy possibly, but what's the point at the end?


A power cut kills their ability. At least if you're a "pro raquet baller" you can keep playing :D

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Originally posted by Jedi_Vogel

Still, I'm not convinced we have to classify them as "pro gamers" just to feed their egos (sorry but that's my opinion). A very good player maybe, 100% shot accuracy possibly, but what's the point at the end?


A power cut kills their ability. At least if you're a "pro raquet baller" you can keep playing :D


Show me someone with 100% accuracy outside of a 1v1 and i'll be banning them.

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