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Video Of Galaxies- the way it was going 2 be - plus Space Expansion footage

Guest DarthMaulUK

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I found this.


It has footage from early Galaxies and boy...it looked superb and the attention to detail is amazing!(look at the speeder for example) So, it asks the question - what went wrong? Why is Galaxies alittle cartoony?


Plus, theres early footage from the space expansion but again, who knows how this will end up.


All this was done on a Geforce 3 - not sure what RAM it was...maybe it was 32MB?! ;-)


Its a big file but the space footage kicks in around 7 minutes and after 10 mins, it just repeats itself




Something to debate!


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I remember watching that footage when it was first released and I was so impressed with the Graphics. They have the Bump Mapping turned up as high as it can go I think :)

They say it is running on a Geforce3 and the demo they are running is probally running on a superb PC to get it to run the way it is. Developers can work magic with the up to date technology they have at thier disposal, so it is in their best intrest to make the game look as good as it does in that Demo.


The Space Expansion footage is pretty cool, it is going to change this came so much when it is released.


Its worth watching so make sure you give it a look see.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I played Galaxies on the best PC money can buy ( I work for a publisher so i can play it on anything I like) but it NEVER looked that good.


So the question rightly so is.... what did happen?



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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

I played Galaxies on the best PC money can buy ( I work for a publisher so i can play it on anything I like) but it NEVER looked that good.


So the question rightly so is.... what did happen?




Nothing Happened to it, if you do actually work for a publisher then you should know the business. When they showed off SWG to people before it was released I am sure they wanted it to run at its maximum performance, they do have the ability to run it that way. But for "Joe Average User" to run it like that would be out of the question, and running it on a server with lots of people in a city like "Coronet" would bring anyones PC to a snails crawl.

So in reality nothing happened to SWG, they just wanted to make it look as good to the Public as they possibly could.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

here we go again.


The point I am making is that the game does NOT look the same on a high end PC with everything on and this is on a Geforce 4 - compared to the 3, it should look alot better but it doesnt.


Simple as that



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Heh... Nice movie. As everyone else I hate the guy having orgasm all the time


As what I can see that not only graphics in this movie is different. The animations of the creatures are much better and smoother. How the Krayt dragon moves looks amazing. Then they have sounds in the movie that not even exist in the game. The Hutt sounds like Jabbah and the little Sand ppl runs around talking. That never happens in the game.


Then the Graphics... if we look at the shaders on 3CPO or any other droid they are more beautiful in this movie then in the game. Both got it but in the real game as it is now the shaders look more weaking in somehow. In the movie it realy glowing of beauty.


I know all these differences since I have a top of the line PC and I can run the game (and I do) on all settings maxed with a Geforce FX5900 Ultra 256MB

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Originally posted by DarthMaulUK

here we go again.


The point I am making is that the game does NOT look the same on a high end PC with everything on and this is on a Geforce 4 - compared to the 3, it should look alot better but it doesnt.


Simple as that




Yes I do realize that, do you even see what I am saying or are you going to get all defensive again and start lashing out like you always do ?

The Devs have the ability to run the game that way, the Bumpmapping (you must know what that is), is tweaked, turned up, set on max (what ever you want to call it) and it makes that nice BUMP effect you see in that video. The bumpmapping in the actual release of SWG is just not very good at all.


If I was showing off a game to the Public I would make sure that it looked superb to draw people in to buy it. If they released the game the way it is in that video none of us would be able to play it smoothly.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Just been chatting with the tech guys here and they say that because the game(on the video) isnt on a server and there isnt any population, the graphics are probably that good.


And they probably have 2 geforce 3s working it! hehe.



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Originally posted by Neversober

The Devs have the ability to run the game that way, the Bumpmapping (you must know what that is), is tweaked, turned up, set on max (what ever you want to call it) and it makes that nice BUMP effect you see in that video. The bumpmapping in the actual release of SWG is just not very good at all.


If I was showing off a game to the Public I would make sure that it looked superb to draw people in to buy it. If they released the game the way it is in that video none of us would be able to play it smoothly.


I would call that false advertising. Not saying the graphics in SWG still aren't awesome, it isn't the same as in that video. :(

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Originally posted by SSO_DarthVader_

I would call that false advertising. Not saying the graphics in SWG still aren't awesome, it isn't the same as in that video. :(


Yes... I agree! But this is not happening only to SWG. ALOT of companies is doing the same thing.


(SWG Movie again) Even if they want to show the game at its best they should show pictures that will be the same for the customer, not pictures of a game that they COULD have if the game hadn't been a MMORPG with no server and no massive pop. Now... since they do false stuff like this... My guess is that they will do (or doing) the same with EQII as well.


Then I want to remind that animations in the movie is better then in the game and more sounds is in to have a more and better feeling.


Oh! And about them having Geforce 3 running that Demo. Heh! How do we even know if that is true! Just because they say it doesn't mean that is has to be like that.

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Guest DarthMaulUK

Alot of FMV trailers for games are using CG graphics and not actually showing game footage - always a sign of a poor game but this video does have ingame footage and has left me stunned!


EQ2 will follow the same path as all SOE games... pay $15 a month to beta test for endless months.



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/smug An English one.


I may be American, but I've been here since I was 6, so smugness is allowed. :p


Edited to add: No, really. I call it football instead of soccer, and everything. *laughs at fellow Americans for wearing all that padding to play rugby...but is still cross that the Panthers lost*

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

uhm i disagree. i was in england 2 weeks ago visiting my ingame wife :) and she was runnning the game like in that movie. i swear it looked amazing. my system just cant handle it



lol! No way it was the same! I have a computer that can handle SWG with all settings maxed and I don't get the same as it is in that video! Look closley on those shaders in the movie and look at them on the game with everything maxed. No way you get that. On the speeder. Even the glass on that speeder is reflecting the sun realy nice. It does not do that in the real game. You can see a little of it but it is in a more weak way in somehow. Same with the chassi.


I say this again! Even the animations on the creatures are better in the movie. Look at the Krayt Dragon.

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