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Force defense not good at all


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Originally posted by Prime

The Jedi can still deflect 99% of the shots coming his way if he has the skill.


To me, this is a good representation of the movies and at the same time making the game fun.

I mean think about it - look at the stats screen in JKII once in a while - you have killed something like 75 enemies, including some force users, defected 1200 blasts, and are at 100 health / 80 shield. Not a bad day's work, really ...



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Originally posted by Prime

But they will likely be dead long before you since you send their shots right back at them...

Well ... if they are firing something that is more than a simple energy blast or small projectile - something with elemental effects or splash damage - then you will rightly be damaged. If you choose to stand there taking hits from something like that you deserve to die ... kinda like the guy Jolee talks about in one of his stories ...



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There's two schools of thought on the blocking issue (maybe three actually).


One school says that auto blocking sucks and that "true skill" is in having a manual "block button" that you have to hold down or tap at the exact second that a strike occurs and this is the way the game should be.


Another says that there should be some kind of "instant saber lock" system that makes saber battles more like the movies (some mods exist already implementing various applications of this idea). The combat slows down but it gives a totally different feel that some people prefer.


Finally there's the school that just wants sabers to block less or block more (ie: tweak the existing system).




The trouble is that while people want manual blocking there's the issue of lag. More functions that are dependent on lag won't necessarily improve the game if there is more for you to worry about that won't always work. Plus why couldn't a person just hold down the block button all the time and it would be the same as it was before. You'd just be forcing people to hold down a key while you play (unless you want to make it so you have a "block meter" or something but then you'll have people complain that this is unrealistic).


You might just end up having people tape the button down or create a "blocking script" and you're back to square one.


Despite what people say about auto blocking "blocking everything" I have no trouble killing people saber to saber or guns to saber, or vice versa. You just have to know where to shoot, where to strike, lead, when to hit, etc.


As usual the idea of "(movie) realism" isn't always as feasible as people would like or imagine when it comes to online gaming. Not only do you have to balance everything, but you have to take the lag factor into account. Some things just aren't going to work very well like that, so you may have to "dumb it down" and make compromises so it's still a fun game to play and not an excercise in frustration.


So "true realistic saber battles and force powers" I predict just won't work in a multiplayer environment (not what people are asking), not for a long time anyway.


JA is still an action shooter, it isn't a role playing Jedi simulator. Maybe we wish it was, but ultimately it's not, and it doesn't need to be to be fun. So while it's nice to compare the games to the movies, it's just not going to be the same thing and it's usually unrealistic to expect it to be (online anyway).


As far as I'm concerned the current system is FINE. Ideally we'd all be playing on lag free LANs with good systems so every strike that landed would be a kill, but that's not going to ever happen, for now this seems like a good enough compromise for me.


But you mod makers out there feel free to disagree and keep up the fight to create a system that works for you, and if people use it, more power to 'em. ; )

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Originally posted by txa1265

Well ... if they are firing something that is more than a simple energy blast or small projectile - something with elemental effects or splash damage - then you will rightly be damaged. If you choose to stand there taking hits from something like that you deserve to die ... kinda like the guy Jolee talks about in one of his stories ...

But even then you can force push the majority of that stuff anyway.
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Darth Bane: Yup, missiles can be pushed back at your aggressor. The same thing applies to those annoying concussion rifle shots, but ya gotta be quick.


Megadeth: I get the feeling you're one of these people who run around on the red fighting style all the time. One of the differences between JO and JA is that your stance will affect your ability to deflect incoming blasts. Red is an aggressive stance meant primarily for saber combat - the saber is held high above the head. Blue is a defensive stance with higher movement speed, and the saber held low and across the body, providing greater coverage, and greater ability to deflect multiple shots.

This is unlike Jedi Outcast, when the fighting stance didn't make a difference to your ability to deflect shots.

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Originally posted by Darth-Bane

you can push bullets/lasers, etc. away?

Not lasers, but you can push bullets, like from the repeater. You can also push the repeater and grenade launcher secondary fire.


Originally posted by Darth-Bane

can u push the missles away? :D

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As far as I know, everything except sniper rifle and EMP can be pushed.


Whether it's actually a good strategy is another question entirely though. I've seen a lot of people use pushing and pushing alone as a defense against guns, where it's flawed at best.

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Originally posted by PhobicDagger

I can think of a coupla sections where that might apply...

True ... but there is one particular section where you*will* die many many times without the ability to push rockets ... and even then you need to prepare for a reload or two ...


As I'm playing through JA again on my Mac (I'm also replaying NWN and playing Dungeon Siege that I grabbed for $5 from Best Buy, so my progress is slow) I am struck by the organic progression of your core powers and how well they match your opponents - not making you invincible, but giving you a considerable advantage. I just finished Vjun, and the Flechette wielders can cut through you (as they should) but everyone else just kills themself by reflection. The saber battles are a good challenge as well at that point.


I just feel that they did a great job of re-balancing the saber defense to make it more appropriate for a Jedi learner.



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They say the definition of a hard boss or level is one that gives you problems the *second* time through.


There are two ways to do that:

- Cheater AI - the most common, as in MoHAA's 'Sniper Alley'. It will always be hard - but much less so because you know where to shoot.

- Good design - like that section of Cairn Reactor. The troopers had reason to be there, had reason to see you before you saw them, and their weaponry is not unreasonable.



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Well the secondary Concussion rifle can't be pushed or blocked (if we're talking MP here) in addition to the secondary DEMP2 and Disruptor (in SP you can't block or dodge it except randomly, in MP you can block both and dodge secondary with level 3 seeing).


You can actually push back all "blaster" type shots and even primary Concussion shots, but it takes great aim and it's ultimately pointless because they can keep firing far faster than you can push away all the individual "bullets."


Enemies can "push" your Det Packs and Trip Mines away, but only in SP.

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