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Force jump, then Force Pull Devastating


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i'm surprised no one has mentioned this, or if this is common knowledge, but at later levels when your force jump and force pull is 3, you can literally jump above an enemy, force pull them (this will send them skyrocketing 100 feet into the air) and have them fall to their death. very very fun.

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doesn't always work on reborn and their cultist counterparts. Somehow the cultist survives, like a cat, by landing on his legs all the time. I used this on Alora to great effect, its sooooo funny seeing her fly up. You have to get on the beam leading up to the platform where she was watching the exchange between you and Rosh. Whenever she tries to get near you, jump towards her and pull and sometimes she'll go flying waaaaaay up past you. I've even tossed her into the lava once.

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It may be an old trick, but it's still one of my favorites. I remember one time on JO's first level (using cheats of course) jump-pulling a stormtrooper off the edge at the part where Kyle tells Jan he'll try to find a way to get the door open. The trooper flew so far that he actually landed on top of the exploding walkways across the chasm!:D

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