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Call Of Duty Problem


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Hey, I bought Call of Duty today, but whenever I play it I get a message that says I need the newest video card. I called their tech support and it said I need a 32 MB vid card, and sadly I only have an 8 MB. My video card is a NVIDIA Vanta, does anyone know where I can upgrade my video card? Thanks.

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Well, there are two slots for video cards, on is the AGP or Advanced Graphics Port that is designed specifically for video cards and the PCI, which is a multi-purpose port.


You'll either have to find your owner's manual & see if it has the info, or open up the ol' case and take a looky on your motherboard (or see through the glass if you've got a window & neon lighting like me :D)


The PCI slots are generally longer & whitish in color while AGP is shorter & black. Most of the graphics cards put out today are AGP. I'd guesstimate that if your system is 5yrs old or younger, you probably have 1 AGP slot already on your motherboard, I'll see if I can find some pics of the two slots for you.



edit: Here is the best pic I could find (they don't allow linking images, so you'll have to click the link), the 5 white ones are PCI, the black one is AGP, I found this on Tom's Hardware, which is a great place for reviews of hardware, peripherals, and all the latest pc equipment[/fanboy]



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Well, I got a new ATI Radeon Card, and call of duty works great, and your right, It definately was worth it. Nothing can Describe how exillerating it is to be right in the middle of a fire fight, in close quarters combat. Thanks again for the help.

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Originally posted by swgbking

Well, I got a new ATI Radeon Card, and call of duty works great, and your right, It definately was worth it. Nothing can Describe how exillerating it is to be right in the middle of a fire fight, in close quarters combat. Thanks again for the help.


What Radeon card you got there dude? ;) And.... I have yet to get CoD! :eek:

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