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WIP: Bast Castle SIEGE


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too bad i can't test, since i'm leaving on vacation tomorrow...i'm really jumping from toe to toe when it involves siege maps.


yeah the new siege maps are a bit rished, its why i look so much forward to this map, except


dont fek up the classes


somethign i found which feked up the new siege maps is that jedi classes got ALL (light+dark force powers) etc, really please dont fek them up (i dont like dark and light side powers fixed)


i see you got pickuble sniper rifles..its not very siege like though (in ffa you can come to the same place several times, but in siege you move on)


I wish the best of luck for this map, it truly looks awesome!

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Hi Andy867


Well, the latest iteration of the map has compiled and I'll have it pk3'ed tonight, so I just need to know where to send it. (It'll be a VERY large file!!! - prob about 20 - 25mb)


As far as classes go, I've set them up according to who the character is. Thus for Luke Skywalker, while he has predominantly light side powers, he also has Force Grip level 2 (As seen in ROTJ)


However, it will be up to the testers to really work out the kinks in the gameplay so it is well balanced.


This SIEGE map isn't quite like the Raven ones where you progress from one region to the next.

It's more of a cat and mouse hunt through the castle with the Jedi having to decide whether to split up to do the objectives more quickly (But thus become separated and weaker) or to keep together as a team (And do the objectives more slowly)

The Sith team has to work out how best to stop the Jedi from completing the objectives.


I still have some changes I want to make to the map, including one major strctural change - as I'm not happy with one of the rooms. But it'll really be playtesting that determines what changes need to be made at this point.


Since each side has a player type that is non Jedi, I included weapons, since I get fed up with being stuck with the same stuff the whole game. This may change, again according to playtesting.

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OK, spent til 1:15 last night reworking a major section of the map and it makes much more sense - To me at least :D

Merged the computer mainframe and the power core into one room, which allowed me to make the castle one room shorter (Thus hopefully speeding up compiling) and giving me back a few func_brushes to use on more interesting things.


Also have yet to do the bot routing - So anyone who wants to practice the map can have an opponent(s) that don't just hop around insanely!


Once Andy867 gets back from his weekend away I'll hopefully be able to upload to him and the team to playtest - which is the part I'm most interested in (And dreading also!:( )


For anyone interested, the current teams are:




Kyle (Dual Sabers)

Jan (non-force)


Rosh (Saber Staff)



Noghri (Non Force - but VERY fast)

Reborn New

Reborn Boss

Reborn Twin (Saber Staff)


Alora 2 (Dual Sabers)

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Had it ready last night to send and everything was fine until I tested it out in game.

It seems that while misc_model_statics load fine in mp devmap mode they won't work in regular game mode.


So back to square one. All the models are now black (or have black parts) again. Sigh :(


Anyway I changed them all back to misc_models and it's compiling again and I should be able to get it to you later tonight. It won't effect playability but it will look like crap.


I'm really hopping mad about this. :mad:


It's a might big file though!!! I'm trying to keep it as slim as I can but it's north of 30mb! It was over 40 til I striiped out all the uneeded custom voices I did.


Should be ready for you Wednesday morning.

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Thats what I like to hear!! Thats awsome! oh and monsoontide! big fan of ur work, but I have some questions about seige, Im making my own map and I have most of the mapping done I just need to know how to actually set objectives up, u know "If I break this object...BINGO Obj 1 complete" can u help maybe publish a tutorial on a normal persons point of view? Any help would be very helpful! Thx in advance

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Hi Andy867,


Just uploading to the site you specified now (at 56k :( )

SO will take all night (If it works!)

If not, I'll take it to work tomorrow and transfer it there.


Did some crude bot routing and checked the level to make sure all the textures/objects/models were there.


Everything is working except for a couple of broken shaders on the Sith Holocron and the hologram of mon mothma.

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Originally posted by reapa

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WID! that might be like.... along time, oh well thx anyway monsoontide. cant wait to play it! oh can u like email me king_dud7@hotmail.com, when it is, I mean dont go out of ur way too or anything just if u have any time on ur hands. THX



LOL, 30 megs in an email, I would pay to see that ;)


I would enjoy seeing a ffa-version of this map--one without barriers that must be destroyed, or doors that must be unlocked, etc.

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Actually, its only 24.2MB at the moment, but I did notice a few missing textures around pillar areas. But the server is up for those who have it

its only set for 6 people so whoever has it should plan to arrive soon if you want a spot (depending upon how many beta testers there are)


The connection may be fast, but until I get the final server ready, the server used is kinda slow, so expect choppiness every now and then, but hopefully not too much.

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