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8th standard civ for SWGB2

Darth Windu

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Hi everyone. As you will all know, in my template there are eight normal civs, these being

- Confederacy

- Empire

- Republic

- Hutts

- Rebels

- Naboo

- Federation

- Wookiees


However, since the poll about whether the Wookiees should be a playable civ or a minor civ in 'Conquer the Galaxy', i have decided that it would be best to leave the Wookiees out as a Minor Civ. This of course means that i have to add another civ to make up the loss. Before you decide on what you want, just remember that the

- Gungans are part of the Naboo

- Mon Calamari are part of the Rebels


So the question is, what civ would you want to replace the Wookiees?

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I agree again with Sith.


Why do you want 8 civs so badly? We both know that LA will do what they want, and they will either go the stupid way with 10+ (à la RoN/AoE) or the smart way with 4-6 (like most good games on the market (WC3, SC, aom ).


And I still think that keeping the Hutts is a really bad idea.

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Wow seriously when I'm not around that's how you treat newcomers...shame on all of you.


Well, welcome FroZticles to our little gang of well, people.



Hutt "control" Tatooine but other then that, they cannot really build a field army as all of the other civs can. I used to want the Hutt to be in because it would be interesting to have a gangster civ but when you think of it, it ain't so realistic.


The Wookiees may not be a bunch of blood thirsty killers but their presence in Ep.3(which has been confirmed) requires their presence in SWGB2. Hey, if the Gungans are in why aren't the Wookiees in?

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