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White males...


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We can do that, however, by not repeating them. We can do that, by simply treating them as equells, and trying to build a better world. If we always act like 'Well, you treated me like crap, so its time for some pay back!' Then humanity will never progress...

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Yes, something must be done. But simply reverseing it is not the solution. It only makes things worse, acts of carnage shouldn't be truely punished, the people who commited thoughs acts should be taught differantly, and make up for it thru acts of kindness to thoughs that they have wronged.

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white males have it so much easier than ANYONE ELSE. It always makes me laugh to here white males going on about how hard life is now and how they are badly treated. rubbish.


The playing field was soooooooo uneven to start with that even a huge amount of positive discrimination has made very little dent in it. On average white males are paid more, there are more in top jobs, more in government, etc....


There is always the odd case of someone being unfairly treated which is trotted out to show how white males are discriminated against. But the number of these cases is so small and insignificant in comparisson to the amount of discrimination that other groups recieve that it is funny. White males just whine more and whine louder. Grow a thicker skin.

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Man posesses a wide variance when it comes to the capabilities of his actions, and his motivations for feeling a certain emotion, whether they be violent or vulgar, beautiful or profound. Man is simultaneously a beast, a seething monster in soul, a creature worthy of his inheritance, a brilliant mind. And there are many reasons for the paths that each person existing has taken. The old question: nature versus nurture. The ingrained genetic habits that are passed to us at birth. The knowledge we were given,and the knowledge we either found or attained. All of it adds up into the individual entity and the operational circumstances of our personalities.


So where does the white man come into this. Why were we so culturally bigoted as a society up until only a little while ago. My answer: it's as ancient an instinct as your likely to find in these beastly bodies of ours. Why do you think the domesticated wolf, now known as the dog, took such a liking to us. We are pack animals as well.


People that still operate on these instincts are looking out for there own, it's a piont of honor and dignity in some packs. To go against this instinct is to go against nature, but to understand that you first must know what nature is.

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Originally posted by toms

white males have it so much easier than ANYONE ELSE. It always makes me laugh to here white males going on about how hard life is now and how they are badly treated. rubbish.


The playing field was soooooooo uneven to start with that even a huge amount of positive discrimination has made very little dent in it. On average white males are paid more, there are more in top jobs, more in government, etc...


And how many of said white males are self-convinced that they are an inner city thug?


I'm about as white as you get, and I know a decent handful of black kids who are better off than I am and yet they still act like some hard-boiled killer.


If you walk, talk and look like a damn idiot, of course you're not going to get a job.


It even applies to rednecks. If two white guys walk in, one has a thick southern accent and the other has a reasonably flat Northern/Western accent.. who do you think will get the job? I'd put my chips on the guy without the accent in most cases.


I'm growing tired of hearing about how I'm supposed to have some enormous advantage over some black guy I've never met. I'd appreciate it if someone would point it out to me, because I sure don't see it.

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I know, they claim how hard blacks have it. Yeah, maybe they do have it hard, but its from other blacks today. White people do not give blacks a hard time in general. Most of there greif comes from thoughs of there very own race.

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No not on instinct alone. No I suppose what I was saying is taht still, even through or better natures, mankind still operates on that ancient instinct, and it is the reason why the white man is in the mess he is in today in terms of the specifics of this conversation. I wasnt trying to say that we should revert to roaming packs vieing for petty powers, but wait that still does happen. I'm begginning to think I should have kept sleeping ten minutes ago instead of waking up.......

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Though in truth, we don't have a right to treat blacks any worse than us, they don't have a right to treat us bad eather, but africans are the origanel homosapien. The first humans where black. Thoughs in africa are still black. The ones over here are sorta brownish from interbreeding with us, and climet change, but still...

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Originally posted by Hiroki

Though in truth, we don't have a right to treat blacks any worse than us, they don't have a right to treat us bad eather, but africans are the origanel homosapien. The first humans where black. Thoughs in africa are still black. The ones over here are sorta brownish from interbreeding with us, and climet change, but still...

Interbreeding? uhhh.... why couldn't you just simply state breeding? You make it sound so ... horrible. As though they are somehow "contaminating/ed". I'm sure you didn't mean it like that, but it sounds like that through implication and having grown up in the south that term here basically means what i stated, that people who say that think they are "contaminating" the white race, Someday I hope everyone will realize all races are equally inferior to the bacteria!


sorry just trying to lighten the mood.

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