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Mr Flibble

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Whenever I play TSOMI I don't get any music. I get sound effects and all, and MI2 works like a dream.


Does anyone know how to fix this without ScummVM?

I'm only on Win95 so it seems a bit drastic.


I have the PC CD version, The Bounty Pack one.


I didn't even know there was music in this game until I downloaded the Midis from the Scumm Bar.

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The MI1 music is streamed off the CD on the CD-ROM version - so make sure you have the CD in the drive!


Make sure your PC is set up to play 'CD Audio' - have a look in the Volume Control thing to make sure the CD Audio channel isn't on Mute, for instance.


If your CD-ROM drive has a headphone socket on the front, you can probably connect a pair of headphones up to it and listen through them, bypassing any software problems altogether...

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It's not that bad, I actually preferred it to 98, and especially ME, less bugs, a lot simpler. I'm just saying that maybe that's your problem, 98 did fix a lot of bugs, it just came back with more. I'd suggest 2000 or xp.

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