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where is everyone


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I just bought SWG and i've been on two servers bria and star something or other and both were almost totally devoid of real life i.e actual people playing, whats going on, have i made a mistake paying $50 for a game which no one plays, or am i just in the wrong place if so which server should i be on, even at the lowest peak EQ had hundreds on one server, i counted 7 on swg. please help... i was looking forward to this so much!


please help..... should i go to another galaxie another planet another city.. wheres best?

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Guest DarthMaulUK



You dont say what part of the world you are from - so time zones will make a difference. However. That said, Player Cities have really made the game a ghost town and add to that the thousands leaving every month make it hard to find other life!


Best thing to do is join a player guild. Bria is a good server, or Eclispe - which is a lag fest! lol



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I think Coronet, Corellia is the most populated city on all servers I have ever played on so I suggest going there. It is the best place to start a new character because it is usually easy to find someone to train you and it has a good selection of items on teh bazaar :)

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Coronet on starsider is hell on swg.

there are 100's close to a 1000 players at the starport most of the time. its awefull....


and uhmm player cities *thanx to the devs* have become ghost towns because of the 3 week log in thing :) we even made a new city :) wonder how many houses are still standing on Rori :p.

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Bria, Eclipse or Bloodfin.


I'm on bloodfin myself, and coronet is like a new york subway. Hundreds of people in and out.


Theed is also sick on bloodfin. But that's usually because whenever you go, there are 20 rebels fighting 20 imps.

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Intrepid used to be great as far as lag goes. It's getting worse with the increase of players and is pretty laggy in places that were NEVER laggy before. It's gotten so bad in Corellia that I rarely go there unless I have to. Theed is my favorite major city hangout and it's becoming more and more like Corellia. It's a shame. Cantinas are so bad it's hard to communicate. Like everyone else who owns the game I get very fed up with paying to play in lag. I am easy going with all the bugs and nerfs and everything else involved BUT the lag. It drives me crazy *insert wildly flailing arms here*. :D



Oh to the origional post definitely check the time zone differences. Once you make friends and contacts and start building up your friends list you'll see that more people are on then you realize. Ya just have to get out there and get some friends worth keeping. :)

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