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Macro this, macro that.


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Anyone else getting sick of people ask for macros?


Seriously, I play the game for fun, and I level myself up through killing off vor hunters, rancors etc. I even had artisian for a while and I would sit and grind.


The only time I ever use macros is to sell my CH pets, or tumble for medics to gain xp.


If your going to just leave a macro on to level up, and walk away from the computer then I would uninstall the game, cancel your subscription, return it to where you bought the game, and save yourself from spending $100+ to NOT be at your computer.



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Devian, SO true hun. This drives me absolutely insane. I have wondered why people spend the money on the game when they are not actually playing. I used one macro for grinding crafting xp for Doc and only in the last 2 skills of that part of the Doc tree. Through medic and most of Doc I just sat around and got very bored crafting and crafting away. :)

Leveling is part of developing your character and your appreciation for the game. It takes dedication and hard work. This is not to say that those people don't spend quite a bit of time actually doing things IG themselves, but I would like to hear from them on this matter as well. Macros are incredibly helpful but you can play the game without them. Seems more a challenge without them. But that is how I like to play. :)

Anyone who uses lots of macros have thoughts on this?

Good luck to everyone.

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For me, the game mimics life :p

I build automation software for radio stations and I get a kick out of it.


You are of course entitled to your opinion, which I can even respect, but you will hear my side too. :)


For me, this game is about Jedi pure and simple. The faster I can get there, the better.

Money isn't an object for me. 15$ is less than my lunch tip. However, I think it's wrong to just drop the cash on a Jedi character on Ebay. For some reason, that strikes me as wrong. You didn't put the effort out to unlock your jedi. It has nothing to do w/ the 500-1200 price tag. Expensive is relative to your income.


(Disclaimer: I have paid for over 300$ in credits to fund my grind)



W/ macros, you get the benefit of SAVING money during the unlock process. I'm on profession 13 now in the 4-6 weeks since I decided to "grind" Doing these manually, and actually taking the time to finess the professions, get the uber comps etc.. and actually "play" the professions I'd still be on profession 2 or 3. I have no interest in being an image designer, doctor, combat medic (although this one was fun till poison/disease nerf)


Hence, if you get a crappy holo profession (say ID) You can set up a macro, go to sleep, wake up and almost be done w/ it. If I could figure out a way to macro train skill boxes, I'd do that too and just afk at the ID or Chef trainer.


So far, the only fun profession I have had was 2handed swordsman. I took this to 1,3,3,2 before dropping it (it wasn't in the grind pattern yet) Even if I unlock I will probably do this one again, but regardless, I will do all professions. Grinding may not make you an expert on the professions, but it gives you enough of a flavor to let you know what you like. After profession 32, I should have something else I liked enough to team up w/ 2handed sword. (probably architect at this point. That one was a blast)

And from what I hear, Jedi is a worse grind than any of the other 32 so this should help prepare you.


I know the argument of "Just play KOTR if you want to play a jedi" Well, thats great, but I don't like round based combat, and chatting w/ your 2 minions kinda gets old after a while. :) My goals aside, chatting w/ my few friends online is what keeps me at it.


Oh well, that appears to be it for now.

This was in no way a personal attack against anyone. Just figured a new viewpoint may be in order.


EDIT: Oh yeah, when I am on combat professions I actually join in on weekly hunts w/ 3 other clans. And spend countless hours collecting hides, Kaadu meat, and other stuff for my bitty clan of 6. I'm not afk macroing except during the day time (at work) and at late night (sleeping) The socializing is everything.

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For me, this game is about Jedi pure and simple. The faster I can get there, the better.

But it's not a Jedi game, it's not even the right time period for them. :p

You're wasting the true content and purpose of the game on macroing and grinding my man. :)


In my opinion they should never have introduced Jedi as a playable element, it changes the game and the SW feel dramatically.

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But it's not a Jedi game, it's not even the right time period for them. In my opinion they should never have introduced Jedi as a playable element, it changes the game and the SW feel dramatically.


You are 100% correct :) But, they knew the sales would have been half or less what they have now. (And I would be playing WoW)

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It's sad that so many people wouldn't play if it were not for Jedi. But Chaetre, I respect your nice and positive attitude. You aren't bitter at all about Hologrinding, which is a nice change for someone who plays soley to be a jedi.

However, I think it's wrong to just drop the cash on a Jedi character on Ebay. For some reason, that strikes me as wrong.

And I especially respec that.



I personally don't use macros for the specific purpose of grinding, but I definitely use them a LOT. I have advertising macros, and countless macros to to small tedious tasks quickly (like getting of my speeder bike, re masking my scent, getting back on; or taking all my armor on or off), but the only macro I use for getting XP is my musciican one, only because it's annoying to sit there pressing floruish buttons all day when It could be automatic, but most of the time Im not AFK.

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heheh ty joey :) We aren't all bad. Glad you can see past the automation. (btw you can grind out musician quick by making nose flutes etc.. actually faster for me than playing but you get no musi healing exp)


As a FYI you can find all commands viable by typing either




in your chat window. (Spacial tab)

Some of them won't work as they are CSR only but it really helps when you are whipping out custom macros on the fly and forgot your crib sheet.

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ok so can you tell me how would i make a macro so i could heal in the medical center at night. when i am in game i usually try to improve my pistol and brawler skills manually but the healing exp is a little to slow to get a couple skills done in one day

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