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A rolling stone?


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Ref_tags have targetnames. As a rule of thumb, use only script_targetnames (or NPC_targetnames) when you affect("script_targetname") something in a script. Otherwise, you use the ordinary targetname .


Remember that the ref_tags are not some path_corners or nav_goals or anything like that. You just use them to retrieve a vector value, that is, the XYZ coordinates of the center of the ref_tag, so the ref_tag in itself is irrelevant. You could type those coordinates just by hand in the move script command, but most of the time it's easier to visualize things if you see them graphically in Radiant. What I mean is that there's not any AI or any special function considering the ref_tags. They don't control the func_static any way, and they are not used to coordinate spawning of func_statics. They are just coordinates for a script command.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Are you really 100% sure this is what it's supposed to look like:

//Generated by BehavEd

rem ( "the rolling stone!" );

affect ( "stone2", /*@AFFECT_TYPE*/ FLUSH )
rotate ( < 1440.000 0.000 0.000 >, 27000.000 );
wait ( 3000.000 );
move ( $tag( "stone2spot2", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 );
wait ( 3000.000 );
move ( $tag( "stone2spot3", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 );
wait ( 3000.000 );
move ( $tag( "stone2spot4", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 );
wait ( 3000.000 );
move ( $tag( "stone2spot5", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 );
wait ( 3000.000 );
move ( $tag( "stone2spot6", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 );
wait ( 3000.000 );
move ( $tag( "stone2spot7", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 );
wait ( 3000.000 );
move ( $tag( "stone2spot8", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 );
wait ( 3000.000 );
move ( $tag( "stone2spot9", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 );
wait ( 3000.000 );
move ( $tag( "stone2spot1", ORIGIN)$, 3000.000 );

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Yeah, why not? Although as far as I know based on my experience, your rotate command does not work. The command only uses absolute angles, not relative. The values range from -360 to 360 degrees, and, for example, -90 equals totally to 270. The rotation happens following the shortest direction to the new angle, cw or ccw. So, 1440 should do nothing because it's essentially same as 360, absolute angles.


I usually place move commands in tasks, but that has no real significance. As far as I can see, it's a fine script except for the rotation.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Also remember developer 1 in the console so you get debug information on the scripts that are running.


Oh really? Single Player right, I used it in MP, and it worked (didnt know it gave info for scripts!!! This is really mainly of use if it works for SP, because MP.. well.. cant run scripts too well, either they wont work, they kill FPS, or they lag... or they work just fine!)



So, did you ever get it working all the way?



3 Months?! Well... I made a map and script that works perfectly, it even kills you if it hits you. It works in both MP and SP! Im about to upload it! It has rotation...




Ok, heres the thing, This is a 10 KB file, I have 5 MBs of bandwidth a day (with this host, its the only one I have that accepts zips) but with TMU and Redemption, they sucked up my bandwidth right away! So... if it doesnt work, try back the next (early) so you can get the file.


In your map, youll need to play around with the rotate, and DONT use 360 degrees... the misc_model_static is already at 360, how can it move to the 360 position if that where its at? I used 250, or -250 and no one will be able to tell. Play around with it a bit (in you map) to get the proper rotation/speed) You could also add EFX files and sound to make it better.


Start my BSP by typing in devmapall rock. Walk out of the 'little room' and the trigger should be hit, and the script begins. If you get in the rocks way, you get crushed, easy. Check it out, post back if you have anymore trouble.


(This zip includes, 1 BSP, 1 IBI (In the right directory) 1 MAP and 1 TXT) all in the proper directories.

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  • 3 weeks later...

(For JA M/P)


Okay Luke, I'm ready to get back to this script now. But mine is much more complex than the one you have. I'm not sure if I have to do several scripts or if I can just make one script for 6 func_statics. I have 6 logs (instead of rocks) in total. I want to roll them at the same time but have the pitch off a little for each one, while still being paralell through the entire action.


[EDIT] Okay what's strange here is that I have copied Lukes script exactly yet it wont work like his. The only difference between mine and his is the target names for the reference points and the name of the func_static. Other than that it's exactly the same. What I want to do is script each one like I said and have it operate over and over again. Can this even be done? I mean it rolls down the hill okay but it starts off right away before I even trigger it. Also, when I stand in front of it I don't get hurt, even with crusher and impact enabled (dmg 200).

I'm open to suggestion guys. It's the same as Lukes..but it wont work the same. [/EDIT]

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Originally posted by lassev

This is bizarre... You have tried to get the stone to roll for more than 3 months...




Stop giving the guy a hard time...you try scripting in M/P and see what happens!

I have tried and I get it to work somewhat. I will keep trying until I either get it the way I want..or abandon the idea because M/P just wont support complex scripts.

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I could try that I guess. Like the shader used for the HAILFIRE droid. But it might not look very good. Like I said the script works a little. I'm going to try mslafs compiler and see if his custom Icarus .bats will work maybe. I mean if he can make scripts work.....why can't I?

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Originally posted by lauser

I'm going to try mslafs compiler and see if his custom Icarus .bats will work maybe. I mean if he can make scripts work.....why can't I?


That sounds intriguing. Care to elaborate what's it all about?


And I wasn't trying to ridicule the guy earlier. I was just kind of baffled that the problem still remained. Like you said, I don't know much about the differences between SP and MP scripting. But you are wrong if you think I have never had incredibly hard time with SP scripting - but even my most vicious problems have never lasted for 3 months (thankfully).

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LOL..sorry Lassev. I didn't mean it that way. What I mean is it's very frustrating to try and figure out ANY targeting and/or scripting for M/P. I'm having one heck of a time with this map I'm currently doing. Not just the scripting but the targeting also. The same targeting I use for one door, wont work for the same application on another door! Go figure that one out.


Example (for single door): Trigger_multiple ----> func_static/off ----> door ----> func_static/on.


Trigger_multiple: use_button>

func_static/on: start off>

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Originally posted by lassev

That sounds intriguing. Care to elaborate what's it all about?


Oh yeah sorry Lassev. In his source code that he released there is some .bat files that he made to compile his scripts. I don't know how they work and I have yet to try them out. But when I try to open his scripts in BehavED it tells me they were not made by this compiler as a warning.

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Oh, yes. Target_relay is a nice entity altogether. I also used it succesfully in my SP map. However, the most birazze thing I have encountered is the target_counter. It's totally baffling why you can't target it straight away to some entity, like a func_door, but you must target the counter to a trigger, and the trigger to the door... (Counter --> Trigger --> Door). That's just ludicrous...

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