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Has anyone else tried this? (tusken rifle cheat)


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has anyone equipped any weapon besides a lightsaber (you have to for this to work), and typed spawn weapon_tusken_rifle, and then walked over it to pick it up? i did an i had a WORKING tusken rifle. secondary fire shoots a bullet, and primary swings the rifle for a melee attack.


you can also do it with a scepter (weapon_scepter) but the player holds it vertically and it shoots really weak disruptor rifle shots out (primary slow rof, secondary really high rof). the only cool thing about it is that jedi can't dodge it like a disruptor rifle.


i've also tried weapon _tusken_staff but you can't hit anybody with it. (he only swings it and misses every time). weapon_noghri_stick doesn't work with primary fire, just gives me an error and shuts down my game, and secondary is flawed, you swing it around and green flashes on the tip, no firing.

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before i forget, i have this great idea. a new SP map called jawa shooting range where you're a tusken, there's a rifle in front of you for you to pick up, and you stand behind a short wall about waist height and pick off jawas (they only take 1 hit ;) ). that would be so fun!

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