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Should i buy SWG?


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Hi, me and a friend are looking to get into our first mmorpg, and we both love the star wars setting of swg but we've heard alot of bad press, just looking to see if any current players can give an account of how the game plays as it stands, what the biggest problems are, and if its worth investing in?

Are the recent updates any good? has the comunity suffered from an apparent loss of players since swg went live? does the game lose its verve after 2 weeks like people say? How do they update the game? Any news on the expansion etc? General stuff.


Thanks in advance.

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You can't say if the game is good or not depending on what other people say, there are some that say it's not Star Wars, there are other that says it's not a MMOPRG just an online game, there are some people who hate the bugs and there are people who say that it's simple amazing.


of course it has bugs and of course there are always a lot of problems, but you need to know (or remember) that the game was released way much time before they thought because everyone wanted it, and not for nothingit became one of the top 3 MMORPG so quickly.


You may like Star Wars, and you will love to see how do you play a rodian, a zabrak, a mon calamari or just simply a human, you will have a chance to see some Role Play in action and people that is just pissing off everyone.


I like the game, I'm not one of those PvP beast, most of the times I'm RPing and I simply love how I can be in Endor with my ST armor and my speederbike looking for ewoks :p


it's up to you, you will have to take the risk of buying or not the game.

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i have to agree with the lovely Devil Doll ;) **p.s. how have you been lately :p**


i been playing last beta and since release and i have yet to have enough of the game :)

i love the group feeling in the game. im a crafter/doc all the time.. the idea of making stuff and helping peopel out is just... coopl for me :)'


everyone experiences this game in a different way.


Wraith 8

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(I'm pretty good honey, enjoying SWG most than ever because an awesome RP storyline I just started :p and you?? I hope I can see you more times there on scylla :) )


I have to agree with that, most of the people stay there because of the people you hang out with. guilds makes everything much better than all the people unguilded, you can have some fun with them and you will have better chances to meet more people when you're on a guild, I'm unguilded in Starsider and I have to say that I only talked with one person in the whole server :p, and on scylla I talk with a lot of people because of my tag.


the people you're with sometimes is the most important reason, I have to say that if it wasn't because of my guild I would never got the game, wraithy talked a lot about the game but I really never cared about it, and when I started to do it, i got the chance to meet people from my guild (pre release) and now I can't stop playing, I take my breaks of combat, I take my breaks of RP and sometimes I just hang there out of character being silly and bothering everyone in a fun way.

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Hi Guys, I've just order this game and i must say its nice too see theres little in the way of bad things being said about it on the forum, makes a change from the game i usually play...


Originally posted by Trahern Valley

I suggest waiting for the space expansion.


Could someone elaborate, is this space expansion going to involve full on intergalactic battles, or is it simply going to be a means for getting from A to B.



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The space expansion is going to allow you to purchase your own ship 'n from what I understand, take it out into space and the such.


Anyway, I to have yet to purchase this game for a variety of reasons (mostly parents not lettin me use their credit cards for the paying bit...)

Sux eh.

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Originally posted by Omikron

Anyway, I to have yet to purchase this game for a variety of reasons (mostly parents not lettin me use their credit cards for the paying bit...)

Sux eh.


There are playcards you know? I don't have a credit card cause I don't have a good job to get one, so i use playcards.



Let's hope if you decide to play we can see you on starsider or scylla, I'm more on scylla than starsider but sometimes I try to have fun as a brawler, so I go to starsider to bother people. :p

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it's a RPG if you find the people, of course not all the people know what a RPG is, and they just try to destroy everything and act like little kids using "l33t Sp34ch", there are a lot of bad things, and I thought the same, that it wasn't RPG, but then I meet the RP community on the server and now I have so much fun

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i played swg for 5 weeks then that was it i loved the grifix and the speeders and mounts but as for the rest of the game i found boreing killing critters for little cash no loot no epic quests with nice rewards did not find many groups to team with as no one seems to like speaking.i found a new home now on ao and 2 me it dose things miles better than swg and with a good crowd of peps that speak :) i would give swg anouther try if the loot system was alot better but i dont think it will happen.

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devil doll were did he find loot was it on high lv group mobs or was it of high lv critters i never found anything in the time i played

:( it got to the stage were i thought what is the point in hunting critters when they drop nothing but some of the critters did look cool.i loved the missions for a while but some had me going a long way out but as a reward a bit of cash and some xp.i loved doing the missions if there would of been some nice rewards every now and again that would of been nice.i posted on the dev message boads about this and was told they are looking into epic quests :)

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