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general grievious (merged threads)


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Don't be surprised if there is another series. It was a ratings winner and was popular with fans but it takes a while to make so they might be hard pressed to get it out before EP3. Not sure how they would do it now that they've introduced Grievous though. People would be dissapointed if it didn't end up being more of something along the lines of The Grievous Chronicles rather then a Clone Wars story.

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Ventress may still be alive. She is in the concept art for Episode 3, and you saw how anakin simply threw down her second saber when she fell. It takes a lot to kill any jedi. Look what happened to Luke: he was a padawan, got his hand chopped off, fell 1/2 a mile into a reactor shaft and still survived. Anything is possible.

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Lets be honest here. The Clone Wars was created to make money. It did that and it did it sucsessfully. Hell, they even made action figures! I don't doubt we'll see another series simply because it makes good business sense. And as far as the story goes - they're gonna need a Sith to challenge Anakin and the Jedi and it would be silly if Dooku and co. found yet another hidden pyscho force user.

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I would place my face down in shame if Grevious had any lame-ass cheeselious connection to Maul/Jango/Or any other significant character of Star Wars...

He's a droid, he can whip up some shat with his two sabers, and he gets his cyber-ass handed to him by Obi-Wan.

Story over, case closed--let's just wait for Episode 3, shall we?


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  • 2 weeks later...

grievous=maul??? i dont think so. but i suppose anythings possible with GL (even a bounty hunter shooting first across a table and missing).


but then again it would tie in fairly well with SOME aspects of the story. for one it would allow easy explanations on grievous's mad lightsaber skills. secondly it would work with the eye coloration (note im not saying anything about presence or absence of scales because i didnt look that closely). and thirdly it would provide a good way of introducing the vader suit idea. none of these are NECESSARY but they do make sense to me. i mean up until ep2.5 (clone wars) there really hasnt been any mention of cyborgs in the prequels. sliding grievous in there gives obi good opposition AND the means for anakin/palps/whoever to think of the enviro suit and funky mask.


we've been led to believe (by no other then GL) that anakin has a run in with molten lava. this could have been changed but i hope its still in there. and we know that he gets a nasty wicked scar on his head (from that scene in ep5 ). we also know that obi kills grievous (or wait do we? i think we do). what if obi kills grievous and then just happens to have the fight with anakin at the same area, possibly right after the first fight. this would lend credence to the idea that obi was giving in to his anger at the time and therefore not holding back. cuz lets face it if he beats down anakin hes NOT holding back.


so picture this: obi kills grievous, starts reprimanding anakin about not being where he told him to be. anakin flips out, obi beats him down and leaves him for dead. obviously anakin has no method of staying alive for the immediate time being (otherwise why would he need the suit later?). so he crawls out to the body of grievous and with his techno-wizardry (as displayed in ep1/2) he makes it work for him. not the whole thing but enough to stay alive until he can work himself up a nice black suit.


didnt GL (or some lucasfilms higherup) say that we would see anakin in a suit midway to vader? like not the classic vader suit but a pseudo suit? im reaching here but it could be that whoever meant the grievous breathing apparatus.


well let the picking apart of my whacky ideas commence (please be nice)

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